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Track events not yet decrypted
Closed, ResolvedPublicFEATURE REQUEST

Event Timeline

tusooa lowered the priority of this task from Needs Triage to Normal.Jun 22 2024, 10:39 AM
tusooa unchecked Is easy task?.
tusooa moved this task from To Do for next release to In Progress on the the Kazv Project board.
tusooa changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Feature Request".

Benchmark of the original implementation:

-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/Code/libkazv/" -*-
Compilation started at Mon Jun 24 21:14:41

KAZV_OUTPUT_LEVELS=client=warn,crypto=warn ./build/src/tests/client--encryption-benchmark-test '[!benchmark]'
Filters: [!benchmark]
Randomness seeded to: 49034042
Generating data

client--encryption-benchmark-test is a Catch2 v3.5.2 host application.
Run with -? for options

tryDecryptEvents() benchmark: small

benchmark name                       samples       iterations    est run time
                                     mean          low mean      high mean
                                     std dev       low std dev   high std dev
tryDecryptEvents()                             100             1     10.4134 s 
                                        128.154 ms    122.279 ms    134.437 ms 
                                        31.0133 ms    28.9267 ms     32.688 ms 

Generating data
Generated 10000 events
Generated 20000 events
Generated 30000 events
Generated 40000 events
Generated 50000 events
tryDecryptEvents() benchmark: medium

benchmark name                       samples       iterations    est run time
                                     mean          low mean      high mean
                                     std dev       low std dev   high std dev
tryDecryptEvents()                             100             1     1.61945 m 
                                         1.09361 s     1.04937 s     1.15462 s 
                                        264.841 ms    207.891 ms     338.13 ms 

Generating data
Generated 10000 events
Generated 20000 events
Generated 30000 events
Generated 40000 events
Generated 50000 events
Generated 60000 events
Generated 70000 events
Generated 80000 events
Generated 90000 events
Generated 100000 events
Generated 110000 events
Generated 120000 events
Generated 130000 events
Generated 140000 events
Generated 150000 events
Generated 160000 events
Generated 170000 events
Generated 180000 events
Generated 190000 events
Generated 200000 events
Generated 210000 events
Generated 220000 events
Generated 230000 events
Generated 240000 events
Generated 250000 events
Generated 260000 events
Generated 270000 events
Generated 280000 events
Generated 290000 events
Generated 300000 events
Generated 310000 events
Generated 320000 events
Generated 330000 events
Generated 340000 events
Generated 350000 events
Generated 360000 events
Generated 370000 events
Generated 380000 events
Generated 390000 events
Generated 400000 events
tryDecryptEvents() benchmark: large

benchmark name                       samples       iterations    est run time
                                     mean          low mean      high mean
                                     std dev       low std dev   high std dev
tryDecryptEvents()                             100             1     6.55003 m 
                                         4.38837 s     4.26768 s     4.53331 s 
                                        670.391 ms     581.91 ms    790.189 ms 

test cases: 3 | 3 passed
assertions: - none -

Compilation finished at Mon Jun 24 21:25:41


-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/Code/libkazv/" -*-
Compilation started at Mon Jun 24 21:55:03

KAZV_OUTPUT_LEVELS=client=warn,crypto=warn ./build/src/tests/client--encryption-benchmark-test '[!benchmark]'
Filters: [!benchmark]
Randomness seeded to: 2459922032
Generating data

client--encryption-benchmark-test is a Catch2 v3.5.2 host application.
Run with -? for options

tryDecryptEvents() benchmark: small

benchmark name                       samples       iterations    est run time
                                     mean          low mean      high mean
                                     std dev       low std dev   high std dev
tryDecryptEvents()                             100             1     1.85298 s 
                                        17.0134 ms    16.7433 ms     17.361 ms 
                                        1.55832 ms    1.26307 ms    1.87637 ms 

Generating data
Generated 10000 events
Generated 20000 events
Generated 30000 events
Generated 40000 events
Generated 50000 events
tryDecryptEvents() benchmark: medium

benchmark name                       samples       iterations    est run time
                                     mean          low mean      high mean
                                     std dev       low std dev   high std dev
tryDecryptEvents()                             100             1      8.1997 s 
                                        102.729 ms    95.3718 ms    115.574 ms 
                                        48.4582 ms     31.405 ms    70.9831 ms 

Generating data
Generated 10000 events
Generated 20000 events
Generated 30000 events
Generated 40000 events
Generated 50000 events
Generated 60000 events
Generated 70000 events
Generated 80000 events
Generated 90000 events
Generated 100000 events
Generated 110000 events
Generated 120000 events
Generated 130000 events
Generated 140000 events
Generated 150000 events
Generated 160000 events
Generated 170000 events
Generated 180000 events
Generated 190000 events
Generated 200000 events
Generated 210000 events
Generated 220000 events
Generated 230000 events
Generated 240000 events
Generated 250000 events
Generated 260000 events
Generated 270000 events
Generated 280000 events
Generated 290000 events
Generated 300000 events
Generated 310000 events
Generated 320000 events
Generated 330000 events
Generated 340000 events
Generated 350000 events
Generated 360000 events
Generated 370000 events
Generated 380000 events
Generated 390000 events
Generated 400000 events
tryDecryptEvents() benchmark: large

benchmark name                       samples       iterations    est run time
                                     mean          low mean      high mean
                                     std dev       low std dev   high std dev
tryDecryptEvents()                             100             1     21.5455 s 
                                        181.447 ms    177.767 ms    186.282 ms 
                                         21.325 ms    17.1865 ms    25.6074 ms 

test cases: 3 | 3 passed
assertions: - none -

Compilation finished at Mon Jun 24 21:57:09