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Crash if saving session fails
Open, HighPublicBUG


moe.kazv.mxc.kazv: QtJob: Requesting "GET" QUrl("")
storeFile= "/home/tusooa/.local/share/project-kazv/kazv-release/sessions/QHR1c29vYTp1d3UubGlseS1pcy5sYW5k/Lb0CcIHm4L/store"
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::archive::archive_exception'
  what():  output stream error
kf.xmlgui: Index  25  is not within range (0 -  21 )

First, I think we should use QSaveFile to prevent overriding the original session file if the save failed.

Second, exceptions should be handled, as it can happen when e.g. there is no more space on disk.

Event Timeline

tusooa triaged this task as High priority.Wed, Sep 18, 7:32 PM
tusooa created this task.