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diff --git a/src/contents/ui/KazvIOMenu.qml b/src/contents/ui/KazvIOMenu.qml
--- a/src/contents/ui/KazvIOMenu.qml
+++ b/src/contents/ui/KazvIOMenu.qml
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
Label {
+ objectName: 'fileNamePrompt'
property string l10nId: isUpload ? 'kazv-io-uploading-prompt' : 'kazv-io-downloading-prompt'
text: kazvIOJob ? l10n.get(l10nId, {fileName: kazvIOJob.fileName()}) : ""
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
@@ -73,10 +74,12 @@
RowLayout {
id: progressBarLayout
+ objectName: 'progressLayout'
visible: true
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
ProgressBar {
id: progressBar
+ objectName: 'progressBar'
Layout.fillWidth: true
value: kazvIOJob ? kazvIOJob.progress : 0
@@ -105,11 +108,13 @@
RoundButton {
id: pauseBtn
+ objectName: 'pauseBtn' pauseAction.suspended ? l10n.get('kazv-io-resume') : l10n.get('kazv-io-pause') pauseAction.suspended ? "media-playback-start" : "media-playback-pause"
onClicked: pauseAction.trigger()
RoundButton {
+ objectName: 'cancelBtn' "dialog-cancel" l10n.get('kazv-io-cancel')
onClicked: cancelAction.trigger()
@@ -118,14 +123,17 @@
ColumnLayout {
id: resultMsgLayout
+ objectName: 'resultLayout'
visible: false
width: parent.width
Label {
id: resultMsg
+ objectName: 'resultMsg'
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width
Button {
+ objectName: 'closeBtn'
text: l10n.get('kazv-io-prompt-close')
onClicked: {
if (isUpload) {
diff --git a/src/tests/quick-tests/tst_KazvIOMenu.qml b/src/tests/quick-tests/tst_KazvIOMenu.qml
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/quick-tests/tst_KazvIOMenu.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+ * This file is part of kazv.
+ * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 nannanko <>
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+ */
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import '../../contents/ui' as Kazv
+import 'test-helpers' as TestHelpers
+import 'test-helpers.js' as Helpers
+import moe.kazv.mxc.kazv 0.0 as MK
+Item {
+ id: item
+ width: 800
+ height: 600
+ property var mockHelper: TestHelpers.MockHelper {}
+ property var kazvIOManager: QtObject {
+ property var deleteDownloadJob: mockHelper.noop()
+ property var deleteUploadJob: mockHelper.noop()
+ }
+ property var kazvIOJob: QtObject {
+ function isResulted() { return false; }
+ function isSuspended() { return false; }
+ function fileName() { return 'some-file-name'; }
+ property var suspend: mockHelper.noop()
+ property var cancel: mockHelper.noop()
+ property var progress: 0.0
+ signal result(int ec)
+ }
+ property var suspendedJob: QtObject {
+ function isResulted() { return false; }
+ function isSuspended() { return true; }
+ property var resume: mockHelper.noop()
+ }
+ property var resultedJob: QtObject {
+ function isResulted() { return true; }
+ function isSuspended() { return false; }
+ function error() { return MK.KazvIOBaseJob.NoError; }
+ }
+ property var l10n: Helpers.fluentMock
+ Kazv.KazvIOMenu {
+ id: progressBar
+ kazvIOJob: null
+ jobId: 'some-job-id'
+ isUpload: false
+ }
+ TestCase {
+ id: kazvIOMenuTest
+ name: 'KazvIOMenuTest'
+ when: windowShown
+ function init() {
+ progressBar.kazvIOJob = null;
+ progressBar.isUpload = false;
+ }
+ function test_progress() {
+ progressBar.kazvIOJob = kazvIOJob;
+ const progress = findChild(progressBar, 'progressBar');
+ compare(progress.value, kazvIOJob.progress);
+ kazvIOJob.progress = Math.random();
+ compare(progress.value, kazvIOJob.progress);
+ }
+ function test_progressBarNullJob() {
+ progressBar.kazvIOJob = null;
+ verify(!progressBar.visible);
+ }
+ function test_progressBarDownload() {
+ progressBar.kazvIOJob = kazvIOJob;
+ progressBar.isUpload = false;
+ verify(progressBar.visible);
+ const prompt = findChild(progressBar, 'fileNamePrompt');
+ const progressLayout = findChild(progressBar, 'progressLayout');
+ const resultLayout = findChild(progressBar, 'resultLayout');
+ verify(prompt.visible);
+ verify(progressLayout.visible);
+ verify(!resultLayout.visible);
+ compare(prompt.text, l10n.get('kazv-io-downloading-prompt', {
+ fileName: kazvIOJob.fileName()}));
+ }
+ function test_progressBarUpload() {
+ progressBar.kazvIOJob = kazvIOJob;
+ progressBar.isUpload = true;
+ const prompt = findChild(progressBar, 'fileNamePrompt');
+ compare(prompt.text, l10n.get('kazv-io-uploading-prompt', {
+ fileName: kazvIOJob.fileName()}));
+ }
+ function test_resume() {
+ progressBar.kazvIOJob = kazvIOJob;
+ const pauseBtn = findChild(progressBar, 'pauseBtn');
+ compare(, 'media-playback-pause');
+ mouseClick(pauseBtn);
+ compare(kazvIOJob.suspend.calledTimes(), 1);
+ }
+ function test_pause() {
+ progressBar.kazvIOJob = suspendedJob;
+ const pauseBtn = findChild(progressBar, 'pauseBtn');
+ compare(, 'media-playback-start');
+ mouseClick(pauseBtn);
+ compare(suspendedJob.resume.calledTimes(), 1);
+ }
+ function test_cancel() {
+ progressBar.kazvIOJob = kazvIOJob;
+ const cancelBtn = findChild(progressBar, 'cancelBtn');
+ mouseClick(cancelBtn);
+ compare(kazvIOJob.cancel.calledTimes(), 1);
+ }
+ function test_resulted() {
+ progressBar.kazvIOJob = resultedJob;
+ const progressLayout = findChild(progressBar, 'progressLayout');
+ const resultLayout = findChild(progressBar, 'resultLayout');
+ verify(!progressLayout.visible);
+ verify(resultLayout.visible);
+ }
+ /**
+ * ProgressBar is destroyed automatically after a successful upload,
+ * so there is no need to test
+ */
+ function test_resultSuccDownload() {
+ progressBar.kazvIOJob = kazvIOJob;
+ progressBar.isUpload = false;
+ const progressLayout = findChild(progressBar, 'progressLayout');
+ const resultLayout = findChild(progressBar, 'resultLayout');
+ const resultMsg = findChild(progressBar, 'resultMsg');
+ kazvIOJob.result(MK.KazvIOBaseJob.NoError);
+ verify(!progressLayout.visible);
+ verify(resultLayout.visible);
+ compare(resultMsg.text, l10n.get('kazv-io-download-success-prompt'));
+ }
+ function test_resultFailDownload() {
+ progressBar.kazvIOJob = kazvIOJob;
+ progressBar.isUpload = false;
+ const progressLayout = findChild(progressBar, 'progressLayout');
+ const resultLayout = findChild(progressBar, 'resultLayout');
+ const resultMsg = findChild(progressBar, 'resultMsg');
+ kazvIOJob.result(MK.KazvIOBaseJob.UserCancel);
+ verify(!progressLayout.visible);
+ verify(resultLayout.visible);
+ const failPromptL10nId = 'kazv-io-download-failure-prompt';
+ compare(resultMsg.text, l10n.get(failPromptL10nId, {
+ detail: l10n.get('kazv-io-failure-detail-user-cancel')}));
+ kazvIOJob.result(MK.KazvIOBaseJob.OpenFileError);
+ compare(resultMsg.text, l10n.get(failPromptL10nId, {
+ detail: l10n.get('kazv-io-failure-detail-open-file-error')}));
+ kazvIOJob.result(MK.KazvIOBaseJob.WriteFileError);
+ compare(resultMsg.text, l10n.get(failPromptL10nId, {
+ detail: l10n.get('kazv-io-failure-detail-write-file-error')}));
+ kazvIOJob.result(MK.KazvIOBaseJob.KIOError);
+ compare(resultMsg.text, l10n.get(failPromptL10nId, {
+ detail: l10n.get('kazv-io-failure-detail-network-error')}));
+ kazvIOJob.result(MK.KazvIOBaseJob.HashError);
+ compare(resultMsg.text, l10n.get(failPromptL10nId, {
+ detail: l10n.get('kazv-io-failure-detail-hash-error')}));
+ kazvIOJob.result(MK.KazvIOBaseJob.ResponseError);
+ compare(resultMsg.text, l10n.get(failPromptL10nId, {
+ detail: l10n.get('kazv-io-failure-detail-response-error')}));
+ kazvIOJob.result(MK.KazvIOBaseJob.KazvError);
+ compare(resultMsg.text, l10n.get(failPromptL10nId, {
+ detail: l10n.get('kazv-io-failure-detail-kazv-error')}));
+ }
+ function test_resultFailUpload() {
+ progressBar.kazvIOJob = kazvIOJob;
+ progressBar.isUpload = true;
+ const progressLayout = findChild(progressBar, 'progressLayout');
+ const resultLayout = findChild(progressBar, 'resultLayout');
+ const resultMsg = findChild(progressBar, 'resultMsg');
+ kazvIOJob.result(MK.KazvIOBaseJob.UserCancel);
+ verify(!progressLayout.visible);
+ verify(resultLayout.visible);
+ const failPromptL10nId = 'kazv-io-upload-failure-prompt';
+ compare(resultMsg.text, l10n.get(failPromptL10nId, {
+ detail: l10n.get('kazv-io-failure-detail-user-cancel')}));
+ kazvIOJob.result(MK.KazvIOBaseJob.OpenFileError);
+ compare(resultMsg.text, l10n.get(failPromptL10nId, {
+ detail: l10n.get('kazv-io-failure-detail-open-file-error')}));
+ kazvIOJob.result(MK.KazvIOBaseJob.WriteFileError);
+ compare(resultMsg.text, l10n.get(failPromptL10nId, {
+ detail: l10n.get('kazv-io-failure-detail-write-file-error')}));
+ kazvIOJob.result(MK.KazvIOBaseJob.KIOError);
+ compare(resultMsg.text, l10n.get(failPromptL10nId, {
+ detail: l10n.get('kazv-io-failure-detail-network-error')}));
+ kazvIOJob.result(MK.KazvIOBaseJob.HashError);
+ compare(resultMsg.text, l10n.get(failPromptL10nId, {
+ detail: l10n.get('kazv-io-failure-detail-hash-error')}));
+ kazvIOJob.result(MK.KazvIOBaseJob.ResponseError);
+ compare(resultMsg.text, l10n.get(failPromptL10nId, {
+ detail: l10n.get('kazv-io-failure-detail-response-error')}));
+ kazvIOJob.result(MK.KazvIOBaseJob.KazvError);
+ compare(resultMsg.text, l10n.get(failPromptL10nId, {
+ detail: l10n.get('kazv-io-failure-detail-kazv-error')}));
+ }
+ function test_closeDownload() {
+ progressBar.kazvIOJob = kazvIOJob;
+ progressBar.isUpload = false;
+ const progressLayout = findChild(progressBar, 'progressLayout');
+ const resultLayout = findChild(progressBar, 'resultLayout');
+ const closeBtn = findChild(progressBar, 'closeBtn')
+ kazvIOJob.result(MK.KazvIOBaseJob.NoError);
+ verify(!progressLayout.visible);
+ verify(resultLayout.visible);
+ mouseClick(closeBtn);
+ compare(kazvIOManager.deleteDownloadJob.calledTimes(), 1);
+ }
+ function test_closeUpload() {
+ progressBar.kazvIOJob = kazvIOJob;
+ progressBar.isUpload = true;
+ const progressLayout = findChild(progressBar, 'progressLayout');
+ const resultLayout = findChild(progressBar, 'resultLayout');
+ const closeBtn = findChild(progressBar, 'closeBtn')
+ kazvIOJob.result(MK.KazvIOBaseJob.NoError);
+ verify(!progressLayout.visible);
+ verify(resultLayout.visible);
+ mouseClick(closeBtn);
+ compare(kazvIOManager.deleteUploadJob.calledTimes(), 1);
+ }
+ }

File Metadata

Mime Type
Thu, Sep 19, 6:06 PM (8 h, 55 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D181.1726794414.diff (10 KB)

Event Timeline