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diff --git a/src/libmagic_port.c b/src/libmagic_port.c
index fcfd72a..84199e3 100644
--- a/src/libmagic_port.c
+++ b/src/libmagic_port.c
@@ -1,447 +1,449 @@
// libmagic_port: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
// To use this program, compile it with dynamically linked libmagic, as mirrored
// at You may install it with apt-get,
// yum or brew. Refer to the Makefile for further reference.
// This program is designed to run interactively as a backend daemon to the
// GenMagic library.
// Communication is done over STDIN/STDOUT as binary packets of 2 bytes length
// plus X bytes payload, where the payload is an erlang term encoded with
// :erlang.term_to_binary/1 and decoded with :erlang.binary_to_term/1.
// Once the program is ready, it sends the `:ready` atom.
// It is then up to the Erlang side to load databases, by sending messages:
// - `{:add_database, :default | path}`
// If the requested database have been loaded, an `{:ok, :loaded}` message will
// follow. Otherwise, the process will exit (exit code 1).
// Commands are sent to the program STDIN as an erlang term of `{Operation,
// Argument}`, and response of `{:ok | :error, Response}`.
// The program may exit with the following exit codes:
// - 1 if libmagic handles could not be opened,
// - 2 if something went wrong with ei_*,
// - 3 if you sent invalid term format,
// - 255 if the loop exited unexpectedly.
// Invalid packets will cause the program to exit (exit code 3). This will
// happen if your Erlang Term format doesn't match the version the program has
// been compiled with.
// Commands:
// {:reload, _} :: :ready
// {:add_database, :default | String.t()} :: {:ok, _} | {:error, _}
// {:file, path :: String.t()} :: {:ok, {type, encoding, name}} | {:error,
// :badarg} | {:error, {errno :: integer(), String.t()}}
// {:bytes, binary()} :: same as :file
// {:stop, reason :: atom()} :: exit 0
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <ei.h>
#include <erl_interface.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <magic.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define ERROR_OK 0
#define ERROR_MAGIC 1
#define ERROR_EI 2
#define ERROR_BAD_TERM 3
// We use a bigger than possible valid command length (around 4111 bytes) to
// allow more precise errors when using too long paths.
#define COMMAND_LEN 8000
magic_t magic_setup(int flags);
#define EI_ENSURE(result) \
do { \
if (result != 0) { \
fprintf(stderr, "EI ERROR, line: %d", __LINE__); \
exit(ERROR_EI); \
} \
} while (0);
typedef char byte;
void setup_environment();
void magic_close_all();
void magic_open_all();
int magic_load_all(char *path);
void process_command(uint16_t len, byte *buf);
void process_command_file(byte *buf, int index, ei_x_buff *result);
void process_command_bytes(byte *buf, int index, ei_x_buff *result);
void process_command_load(byte *buf, int index, ei_x_buff *result);
void process_file(char *path, ei_x_buff *result);
void process_bytes(char *bytes, int size, ei_x_buff *result);
void process_load(ei_x_buff *result, char *path);
void send_and_free(ei_x_buff *result);
size_t read_cmd(byte *buf);
size_t write_cmd(byte *buf, size_t len);
void error(ei_x_buff *result, const char *error);
void handle_magic_error(magic_t handle, int errn, ei_x_buff *result);
void fdseek(uint16_t count);
static magic_t magic_mime_type; // MAGIC_MIME_TYPE
static magic_t magic_mime_encoding; // MAGIC_MIME_ENCODING
static magic_t magic_type_name; // MAGIC_NONE
bool magic_loaded = false;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
erl_init(NULL, -1);
uint16_t len;
while ((len = read_cmd(buf)) > 0) {
process_command(len, buf);
return 255;
void process_command(uint16_t len, byte *buf) {
ei_x_buff result;
char atom[128];
int index, version, arity;
index = 0;
// Initialize result
EI_ENSURE(ei_x_encode_tuple_header(&result, 2));
if (len >= COMMAND_LEN)
return error(&result, "badarg");
if (ei_decode_version(buf, &index, &version) != 0)
if (ei_decode_tuple_header(buf, &index, &arity) != 0)
return error(&result, "badarg");
if (arity != 2)
return error(&result, "badarg");
if (ei_decode_atom(buf, &index, atom) != 0)
return error(&result, "badarg");
// {:file, path}
if (strlen(atom) == 4 && strcmp(atom, "file") == 0)
return process_command_file(buf, index, &result);
// {:bytes, bytes}
if (strlen(atom) == 5 && strcmp(atom, "bytes") == 0)
return process_command_bytes(buf, index, &result);
// {:add_database, path}
if (strlen(atom) == 12 && strcmp(atom, "add_database") == 0)
return process_command_load(buf, index, &result);
// {:reload, _}
if (strlen(atom) == 6 && strcmp(atom, "reload") == 0)
return magic_open_all();
// {:stop, _}
if (strlen(atom) == 4 && strcmp(atom, "stop") == 0)
error(&result, "badarg");
void process_command_file(byte *buf, int index, ei_x_buff *result) {
int termtype, termsize;
char path[4097];
long bin_length;
if (!magic_loaded)
return error(result, "magic_database_not_loaded");
ei_get_type(buf, &index, &termtype, &termsize);
if (termtype != ERL_BINARY_EXT)
return error(result, "badarg");
if (termsize > 4096)
return error(result, "enametoolong");
EI_ENSURE(ei_decode_binary(buf, &index, path, &bin_length));
path[termsize] = '\0';
process_file(path, result);
void process_command_bytes(byte *buf, int index, ei_x_buff *result) {
if (!magic_loaded)
return error(result, "magic_database_not_loaded");
int termtype, termsize;
long bin_length;
char bytes[51];
EI_ENSURE(ei_get_type(buf, &index, &termtype, &termsize));
if (termtype != ERL_BINARY_EXT)
return error(result, "badarg");
if (termsize > 50)
return error(result, "toolong");
EI_ENSURE(ei_decode_binary(buf, &index, bytes, &bin_length));
bytes[termsize] = '\0';
process_bytes(bytes, termsize, result);
void process_command_load(byte *buf, int index, ei_x_buff *result) {
char path[4097];
int termtype, termsize;
ei_get_type(buf, &index, &termtype, &termsize);
if (termtype == ERL_BINARY_EXT) {
if (termsize > 4096)
return error(result, "enametoolong");
long bin_length;
EI_ENSURE(ei_decode_binary(buf, &index, path, &bin_length));
path[termsize] = '\0';
return process_load(result, path);
if (termtype == ERL_ATOM_EXT) {
EI_ENSURE(ei_decode_atom(buf, &index, path));
if (strlen(path) == 7 && strcmp(path, "default") == 0)
return process_load(result, NULL);
error(result, "badarg");
void process_load(ei_x_buff *result, char *path) {
if (magic_load_all(path) == 0) {
EI_ENSURE(ei_x_encode_atom(result, "ok"));
EI_ENSURE(ei_x_encode_atom(result, "loaded"));
} else {
EI_ENSURE(ei_x_encode_atom(result, "error"));
EI_ENSURE(ei_x_encode_atom(result, "not_loaded"));
void setup_environment() { opterr = 0; }
void magic_close_all() {
magic_loaded = false;
if (magic_mime_encoding) {
magic_mime_encoding = NULL;
if (magic_mime_type) {
magic_mime_type = NULL;
if (magic_type_name) {
magic_type_name = NULL;
void magic_open_all() {
magic_mime_encoding = magic_open(MAGIC_FLAGS_COMMON | MAGIC_MIME_ENCODING);
magic_mime_type = magic_open(MAGIC_FLAGS_COMMON | MAGIC_MIME_TYPE);
magic_type_name = magic_open(MAGIC_FLAGS_COMMON | MAGIC_NONE);
if (magic_mime_encoding && magic_mime_type && magic_type_name) {
ei_x_buff ok_buf;
EI_ENSURE(ei_x_encode_atom(&ok_buf, "ready"));
return send_and_free(&ok_buf);
int magic_load_all(char *path) {
int res;
if ((res = magic_load(magic_mime_encoding, path)) != 0)
return res;
if ((res = magic_load(magic_mime_type, path)) != 0)
return res;
if ((res = magic_load(magic_type_name, path)) != 0)
return res;
magic_loaded = true;
return 0;
void process_bytes(char *path, int size, ei_x_buff *result) {
const char *mime_type_result = magic_buffer(magic_mime_type, path, size);
const int mime_type_errno = magic_errno(magic_mime_type);
if (mime_type_errno > 0)
return handle_magic_error(magic_mime_type, mime_type_errno, result);
const char *mime_encoding_result =
magic_buffer(magic_mime_encoding, path, size);
int mime_encoding_errno = magic_errno(magic_mime_encoding);
if (mime_encoding_errno > 0)
return handle_magic_error(magic_mime_encoding, mime_encoding_errno, result);
const char *type_name_result = magic_buffer(magic_type_name, path, size);
int type_name_errno = magic_errno(magic_type_name);
if (type_name_errno > 0)
return handle_magic_error(magic_type_name, type_name_errno, result);
EI_ENSURE(ei_x_encode_atom(result, "ok"));
EI_ENSURE(ei_x_encode_tuple_header(result, 3));
ei_x_encode_binary(result, mime_type_result, strlen(mime_type_result)));
EI_ENSURE(ei_x_encode_binary(result, mime_encoding_result,
ei_x_encode_binary(result, type_name_result, strlen(type_name_result)));
void handle_magic_error(magic_t handle, int errn, ei_x_buff *result) {
const char *error = magic_error(handle);
EI_ENSURE(ei_x_encode_atom(result, "error"));
EI_ENSURE(ei_x_encode_tuple_header(result, 2));
long errlon = (long)errn;
EI_ENSURE(ei_x_encode_long(result, errlon));
EI_ENSURE(ei_x_encode_binary(result, error, strlen(error)));
void process_file(char *path, ei_x_buff *result) {
const char *mime_type_result = magic_file(magic_mime_type, path);
const int mime_type_errno = magic_errno(magic_mime_type);
if (mime_type_errno > 0)
return handle_magic_error(magic_mime_type, mime_type_errno, result);
const char *mime_encoding_result = magic_file(magic_mime_encoding, path);
int mime_encoding_errno = magic_errno(magic_mime_encoding);
if (mime_encoding_errno > 0)
return handle_magic_error(magic_mime_encoding, mime_encoding_errno, result);
const char *type_name_result = magic_file(magic_type_name, path);
int type_name_errno = magic_errno(magic_type_name);
if (type_name_errno > 0)
return handle_magic_error(magic_type_name, type_name_errno, result);
EI_ENSURE(ei_x_encode_atom(result, "ok"));
EI_ENSURE(ei_x_encode_tuple_header(result, 3));
ei_x_encode_binary(result, mime_type_result, strlen(mime_type_result)));
EI_ENSURE(ei_x_encode_binary(result, mime_encoding_result,
ei_x_encode_binary(result, type_name_result, strlen(type_name_result)));
// Adapted from
// Changed `read_cmd`, the original one was buggy given some length (due to
// endinaness).
// TODO: Check if `write_cmd` exhibits the same issue.
size_t read_exact(byte *buf, size_t len) {
- int i, got = 0;
+ int i;
+ size_t got = 0;
do {
if ((i = read(0, buf + got, len - got)) <= 0) {
return (i);
got += i;
} while (got < len);
return (len);
size_t write_exact(byte *buf, size_t len) {
- int i, wrote = 0;
+ int i;
+ size_t wrote = 0;
do {
if ((i = write(1, buf + wrote, len - wrote)) <= 0)
return (i);
wrote += i;
} while (wrote < len);
return (len);
size_t read_cmd(byte *buf) {
int i;
if ((i = read(0, buf, sizeof(uint16_t))) <= 0) {
return (i);
uint16_t len16 = *(uint16_t *)buf;
len16 = ntohs(len16);
// Buffer isn't large enough: just return possible len, without reading.
// Up to the caller of verifying the size again and return an error.
// buf left unchanged, stdin emptied of X bytes.
if (len16 > COMMAND_LEN) {
return len16;
return read_exact(buf, len16);
size_t write_cmd(byte *buf, size_t len) {
byte li;
li = (len >> 8) & 0xff;
write_exact(&li, 1);
li = len & 0xff;
write_exact(&li, 1);
return write_exact(buf, len);
void send_and_free(ei_x_buff *result) {
write_cmd(result->buff, result->index);
void error(ei_x_buff *result, const char *error) {
EI_ENSURE(ei_x_encode_atom(result, "error"));
EI_ENSURE(ei_x_encode_atom(result, error));
void fdseek(uint16_t count) {
int i = 0;
while (i < count) {
i += 1;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Mon, Jan 20, 10:25 AM (1 d, 15 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(13 KB)

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