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diff --git a/src/contents/ui/AsyncHandler.qml b/src/contents/ui/AsyncHandler.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1177ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/contents/ui/AsyncHandler.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * This file is part of kazv.
+ * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 tusooa <>
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+ */
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
+QtObject {
+ id: asyncHandler
+ required property var trigger
+ property var promise: undefined
+ signal resolved(bool success, var data)
+ property var conn: Connections {
+ target: asyncHandler.promise
+ function onResolved(success, data) {
+ asyncHandler.resolved(success, data);
+ asyncHandler.promise = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ function call() {
+ promise = trigger();
+ }
diff --git a/src/contents/ui/settings/ProfileSettings.qml b/src/contents/ui/settings/ProfileSettings.qml
index ab28990..8ea0a7e 100644
--- a/src/contents/ui/settings/ProfileSettings.qml
+++ b/src/contents/ui/settings/ProfileSettings.qml
@@ -1,76 +1,87 @@
* This file is part of kazv.
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 tusooa <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import org.kde.kirigami 2.13 as Kirigami
+import '..' as Kazv
ColumnLayout {
id: profileSettings
property var avatarUrl: ''
property var displayName: ''
property var getSelfProfilePromise: undefined
property var loaded: false
Kirigami.Avatar {
id: avatar
objectName: 'avatar'
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
source: profileSettings.avatarUrl ? matrixSdk.mxcUriToHttp(profileSettings.avatarUrl) : ''
sourceSize.width: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.enormous
sourceSize.height: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.enormous
Button {
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: l10n.get('settings-profile-change-avatar')
enabled: profileSettings.loaded
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Label {
text: l10n.get('settings-profile-display-name')
TextField {
Layout.fillWidth: true
id: displayNameEntry
objectName: 'displayNameEntry'
text: profileSettings.displayName
enabled: profileSettings.loaded
- Component.onCompleted: {
- profileSettings.getSelfProfilePromise = matrixSdk.getSelfProfile();
- }
- Connections {
- target: profileSettings.getSelfProfilePromise
- function onResolved(success, data) {
- console.log('resolved');
+ property var getSelfPromise: Kazv.AsyncHandler {
+ trigger: () => matrixSdk.getSelfProfile()
+ onResolved: {
if (!success) {
- console.log('error');
+ showPassiveNotification(l10n.get('settings-profile-load-failed-prompt', { errorCode: data.errorCode, errorMsg: data.error }));
} else {
- console.log('ok', JSON.stringify(data));
profileSettings.displayName = data.displayName;
profileSettings.avatarUrl = data.avatarUrl;
profileSettings.loaded = true;
- profileSettings.getSelfProfilePromise = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ }
+ property var saveDisplayName: Kazv.AsyncHandler {
+ trigger: () => {
+ profileSettings.loaded = false;
+ return matrixSdk.setDisplayName(displayNameEntry.text);
+ }
+ onResolved: {
+ if (!success) {
+ showPassiveNotification(l10n.get('settings-profile-load-failed-prompt', { errorCode: data.errorCode, errorMsg: data.error }));
+ }
+ profileSettings.loaded = true;
function save() {
if (displayNameEntry.text !== profileSettings.displayName) {
- console.log('save display name');
diff --git a/src/l10n/cmn-Hans/100-ui.ftl b/src/l10n/cmn-Hans/100-ui.ftl
index 166e687..8f71b73 100644
--- a/src/l10n/cmn-Hans/100-ui.ftl
+++ b/src/l10n/cmn-Hans/100-ui.ftl
@@ -1,156 +1,158 @@
### This file is part of kazv.
### SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2021 Tusooa Zhu <>
### SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
app-title = { -kt-app-name }
global-drawer-title = { -kt-app-name }
global-drawer-action-switch-account = 切换账号
global-drawer-action-hard-logout = 登出
global-drawer-action-save-session = 保存当前会话
global-drawer-action-configure-shortcuts = 配置快捷键
global-drawer-action-settings = 设置
global-drawer-action-create-room = 创建房间
global-drawer-action-join-room = 加入房间
action-settings-page-title = 配置快捷键
action-settings-shortcut-prompt = 快捷键:{ $shortcut }
action-settings-shortcut-none = (无)
action-settings-shortcut-edit-action = 编辑
action-settings-shortcut-remove-action = 清除
action-settings-shortcut-conflict-modal-title = 冲突的快捷键
action-settings-shortcut-conflict = 快捷键 { $shortcut } 跟别的指令有冲突。<br>若要继续,别的指令的快捷键会被清除。<br><br>冲突的指令有:<br>{ $conflictingAction }
action-settings-shortcut-conflict-continue = 继续
action-settings-shortcut-conflict-cancel = 取消
empty-room-page-title = 没有选中房间
empty-room-page-description = 当前没有选中的房间。
login-page-title = 登录
login-page-userid-prompt = 用户 id:
login-page-userid-input-placeholder = 例如:
login-page-password-prompt = 密码:
login-page-login-button = 登录
login-page-close-button = 关闭
login-page-existing-sessions-prompt = 从已有会话中选一个:
login-page-alternative-password-login-prompt = 或者用用户 id 和密码启动新会话:
login-page-restore-session-button = 恢复会话
login-page-request-failed-prompt = 登录失败。错误代码:{ $errorCode }。错误讯息:{ $errorMsg }。
login-page-discover-failed-prompt = 不能检测此用户所在的服务器,或者服务器不可用。错误代码:{ $errorCode }。错误讯息:{ $errorMsg }。
main-page-title = { -kt-app-name } - { $userId }
main-page-recent-tab-title = 最近
main-page-people-tab-title = 人们
main-page-rooms-tab-title = 房间
room-list-view-room-item-title-name = { $name }
room-list-view-room-item-title-heroes = { $hero } { $otherNum ->
[0] { "" }
[1] 和 { $secondHero }
*[other] 和别的 { $otherNum } 个人
room-list-view-room-item-title-id = 未命名房间({ $roomId })
room-list-view-room-item-fav-action = 设为最爱
room-list-view-room-item-fav-action-notification = 把 { $name } 设为了最爱
send-message-box-input-placeholder = 在此输入您的讯息...
send-message-box-send = 发送
send-message-box-send-file = 发送文件
## 状态事件
## 通用参数:
## gender = 发送者的性别(male/female/neutral)
## stateKeyUser = state key 用户的名字
## stateKeyUserGender = state key 用户的性别
member-state-joined-room = 加入了房间。
member-state-changed-name-and-avatar = 修改了名字和头像。
member-state-changed-name = 修改了名字。
member-state-changed-avatar = 修改了头像。
member-state-invited = 把 { $stateKeyUser } 邀请到了本房间。
member-state-left = 离开了房间。
member-state-kicked = 踢出了 { $stateKeyUser }。
member-state-banned = 封禁了 { $stateKeyUser }。
member-state-unbanned = 解封了 { $stateKeyUser }。
state-room-created = 创建了房间。
state-room-name-changed = 把房间名字改成了 { $newName }。
state-room-topic-changed = 把房间话题改成了 { $newTopic }。
state-room-avatar-changed = 修改了房间头像。
state-room-pinned-events-changed = 修改了房间的置顶讯息。
state-room-alias-changed = 修改了房间的别名。
state-room-join-rules-changed = 修改了房间的加入规则。
state-room-power-levels-changed = 修改了房间的权限。
state-room-encryption-activated = 对本房间启用了加密。
event-message-image-sent = 发送了图片「{ $body }」。
event-message-file-sent = 发送了文件「{ $body }」。
event-message-video-sent = 发送了视频「{ $body }」。
event-message-audio-sent = 发送了音频「{ $body }」。
event-message-audio-play-audio = 播放音频
event-sending = 发送中...
event-send-failed = 发送失败
event-resend = 重试发送这个事件
event-deleted = (已删除)
event-delete = 删除
event-delete-failed = 删除事件出错。错误码:{ $errorCode }。错误讯息:{ $errorMsg }。
media-file-menu-option-view = 查看
media-file-menu-option-save-as = 保存为
kazv-io-download-success-prompt = 下载成功
kazv-io-download-failure-prompt = 下载失败:{ $detail }
kazv-io-failure-detail-user-cancel = 用户已取消
kazv-io-failure-detail-network-error = 网络错误
kazv-io-failure-detail-open-file-error = 打开文件错误
kazv-io-failure-detail-write-file-error = 写入文件错误
kazv-io-failure-detail-kazv-error = 未知错误,请将此报告为漏洞
kazv-io-upload-failure-prompt = 上传失败:{ $detail }
kazv-io-downloading-prompt = 正在下载:{ $fileName }
kazv-io-uploading-prompt = 正在上传:{ $fileName }
kazv-io-prompt-close = 好的
kazv-io-pause = 暂停
kazv-io-resume = 继续
kazv-io-cancel = 取消
create-room-page-title = 创建房间
create-room-page-visibility-prompt = 房间可见性:
create-room-page-visibility-public = 公开
create-room-page-visibility-private = 私有
create-room-page-name-prompt = 房间名称(可选):
create-room-page-name-placeholder = 无名
create-room-page-alias-prompt = 房间别名(可选):
create-room-page-alias-placeholder =
create-room-page-topic-prompt = 房间主题(可选):
create-room-page-topic-placeholder = 无题
create-room-page-allow-federate-prompt = 允许别的服务器上的用户加入
create-room-page-action-create-room = 创建房间
create-room-page-success-prompt = 房间已创建。
create-room-page-failed-prompt = 无法创建房间。错误代码:{ $errorCode }。错误讯息:{ $errorMsg }。
join-room-page-title = 加入房间
join-room-page-id-or-alias-prompt = 房间 id 或别名:
join-room-page-id-or-alias-placeholder = 或 !
join-room-page-servers-prompt = 经由服务器(可选,用换行分割):
join-room-page-servers-placeholder =
join-room-page-action-join-room = 加入房间
join-room-page-success-prompt = 成功加入房间 { $room }。
join-room-page-failed-prompt = 无法加入房间 { $room }。错误代码:{ $errorCode }。错误讯息:{ $errorMsg }。
device-trust-level-unseen = 未曾见过
device-trust-level-seen = 见过
device-trust-level-verified = 已验证
device-trust-level-blocked = 已屏蔽
device-set-trust-level = 设置信任等级...
device-set-trust-level-dialog-title = 设置信任等级
device-set-trust-level-dialog-name-label = 设备名:{ $name }
device-set-trust-level-dialog-id-label = 设备id:{ $id }
device-set-trust-level-dialog-ed25519-key-label = Ed25519公钥:{ $key }
device-set-trust-level-dialog-curve25519-key-label = Curve25519公钥:{ $key }
device-set-trust-level-dialog-save = 保存
device-set-trust-level-dialog-cancel = 取消
settings-save = 保存设置
+settings-profile-load-failed-prompt = 无法加载用户资料。错误码:{ $errorCode }。错误讯息:{ $errorMsg }。
settings-profile-change-avatar = 改变头像...
settings-profile-display-name = 显示名:
+settings-profile-save-failed-prompt = 无法保存用户资料。错误码:{ $errorCode }。错误讯息:{ $errorMsg }。
diff --git a/src/l10n/en/100-ui.ftl b/src/l10n/en/100-ui.ftl
index cfeb14b..1e1d066 100644
--- a/src/l10n/en/100-ui.ftl
+++ b/src/l10n/en/100-ui.ftl
@@ -1,168 +1,170 @@
### This file is part of kazv.
### SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2021 Tusooa Zhu <>
### SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
app-title = { -kt-app-name }
global-drawer-title = { -kt-app-name }
global-drawer-action-switch-account = Switch account
global-drawer-action-hard-logout = Logout
global-drawer-action-save-session = Save current session
global-drawer-action-configure-shortcuts = Configure shortcuts
global-drawer-action-settings = Settings
global-drawer-action-create-room = Create room
global-drawer-action-join-room = Join room
action-settings-page-title = Configure shortcuts
action-settings-shortcut-prompt = Shortcut: { $shortcut }
action-settings-shortcut-none = (none)
action-settings-shortcut-edit-action = Edit
action-settings-shortcut-remove-action = Clear
action-settings-shortcut-conflict-modal-title = Conflicting shortcuts
action-settings-shortcut-conflict = The shortcut { $shortcut } has conflicts with other actions. <br>If you continue, the shortcuts for other actions will be cleared. <br><br>Conflicting actions: <br>{ $conflictingAction }
action-settings-shortcut-conflict-continue = Continue
action-settings-shortcut-conflict-cancel = Cancel
empty-room-page-title = No rooms selected
empty-room-page-description = There is no room selected now.
login-page-title = Log in
login-page-userid-prompt = User id:
login-page-userid-input-placeholder = E.g.:
login-page-password-prompt = Password:
login-page-login-button = Log in
login-page-close-button = Close
login-page-existing-sessions-prompt = Choose from one of the existing sessions:
login-page-alternative-password-login-prompt = Or start a new session with user id and password:
login-page-restore-session-button = Restore session
login-page-request-failed-prompt = Login failed. Error code: { $errorCode }. Error message: { $errorMsg }.
login-page-discover-failed-prompt = Unable to detect the server this user is on, or the server is unavailable. Error code: { $errorCode }. Error message: { $errorMsg }.
main-page-title = { -kt-app-name } - { $userId }
main-page-recent-tab-title = Recent
main-page-people-tab-title = People
main-page-rooms-tab-title = Rooms
room-list-view-room-item-title-name = { $name }
room-list-view-room-item-title-heroes = { $hero } { $otherNum ->
[0] { "" }
[1] and { $secondHero }
*[other] and { $otherNum } others
room-list-view-room-item-title-id = Unnamed room ({ $roomId })
room-list-view-room-item-fav-action = Set as favourite
room-list-view-room-item-fav-action-notification = Set { $name } as favourite
send-message-box-input-placeholder = Type your message here...
send-message-box-send = Send
send-message-box-send-file = Send file
## State events
## Common parameters:
## gender = gender of the sender (male/female/neutral)
## stateKeyUser = name of the state key user
## stateKeyUserGender = gender of the state key user
member-state-joined-room = joined the room.
member-state-changed-name-and-avatar = changed { $gender ->
[male] his
[female] her
*[neutral] their
} name and avatar.
member-state-changed-name = changed { $gender ->
[male] his
[female] her
*[neutral] their
} name.
member-state-changed-avatar = changed { $gender ->
[male] his
[female] her
*[neutral] their
} avatar.
member-state-invited = invited { $stateKeyUser } to the room.
member-state-left = left the room.
member-state-kicked = kicked { $stateKeyUser }.
member-state-banned = banned { $stateKeyUser }.
member-state-unbanned = unbanned { $stateKeyUser }.
state-room-created = created the room.
state-room-name-changed = changed the name of the room to { $newName }.
state-room-topic-changed = changed the topic of the room to { $newTopic }.
state-room-avatar-changed = changed the avatar of the room.
state-room-pinned-events-changed = changed the pinned events of the room.
state-room-alias-changed = changed the aliases of the room.
state-room-join-rules-changed = changed join rules of the room.
state-room-power-levels-changed = changed power levels of the room.
state-room-encryption-activated = enabled encryption for this room.
event-message-image-sent = sent an image "{ $body }".
event-message-file-sent = sent a file "{ $body }".
event-message-video-sent = sent a video "{ $body }".
event-message-audio-sent = sent an audio "{ $body }".
event-message-audio-play-audio = Play audio
event-sending = Sending...
event-send-failed = Failed to send
event-resend = Retry sending this event
event-deleted = (Deleted)
event-delete = Delete
event-delete-failed = Error deleting event. Error code: { $errorCode }. Error message: { $errorMsg }.
media-file-menu-option-view = View
media-file-menu-option-save-as = Save as
kazv-io-download-success-prompt = Download successful
kazv-io-download-failure-prompt = Download failure: { $detail }
kazv-io-failure-detail-user-cancel = User canceled
kazv-io-failure-detail-network-error = Network error
kazv-io-failure-detail-open-file-error = Open file error
kazv-io-failure-detail-write-file-error = Write file error
kazv-io-failure-detail-kazv-error = Unknow Error, please report this as bug.
kazv-io-upload-failure-prompt = Upload failure: { $detail }
kazv-io-downloading-prompt = Downloading: { $fileName }
kazv-io-uploading-prompt = Uploading: { $fileName }
kazv-io-prompt-close = Got it
kazv-io-pause = Pause
kazv-io-resume = Resume
kazv-io-cancel = Cancel
create-room-page-title = Create room
create-room-page-visibility-prompt = Room visibility:
create-room-page-visibility-public = Public
create-room-page-visibility-private = Private
create-room-page-name-prompt = Room name (optional):
create-room-page-name-placeholder = No name
create-room-page-alias-prompt = Room alias (optional):
create-room-page-alias-placeholder =
create-room-page-topic-prompt = Room topic (optional):
create-room-page-topic-placeholder = No topic
create-room-page-allow-federate-prompt = Allow users from other servers to join
create-room-page-action-create-room = Create room
create-room-page-success-prompt = Room created.
create-room-page-failed-prompt = Unable to create room. Error code: { $errorCode }. Error message: { $errorMsg }.
join-room-page-title = Join room
join-room-page-id-or-alias-prompt = Room id or alias:
join-room-page-id-or-alias-placeholder = or !
join-room-page-servers-prompt = Via servers (optional, separated by newlines):
join-room-page-servers-placeholder =
join-room-page-action-join-room = Join room
join-room-page-success-prompt = Successfully joined room { $room }.
join-room-page-failed-prompt = Unable to join room { $room }. Error code: { $errorCode }. Error message: { $errorMsg }.
device-trust-level-unseen = Unseen
device-trust-level-seen = Seen
device-trust-level-verified = Verified
device-trust-level-blocked = Blocked
device-set-trust-level = Set trust level...
device-set-trust-level-dialog-title = Set trust level
device-set-trust-level-dialog-name-label = Device name: { $name }
device-set-trust-level-dialog-id-label = Device id: { $id }
device-set-trust-level-dialog-ed25519-key-label = Ed25519 public key: { $key }
device-set-trust-level-dialog-curve25519-key-label = Curve25519 public key: { $key }
device-set-trust-level-dialog-save = Save
device-set-trust-level-dialog-cancel = Cancel
settings-save = Save settings
+settings-profile-load-failed-prompt = Unable to load profile. Error code: { $errorCode }. Error message: { $errorMsg }.
settings-profile-change-avatar = Change avatar...
settings-profile-display-name = Display name:
+settings-profile-save-failed-prompt = Unable to save profile. Error code: { $errorCode }. Error message: { $errorMsg }.
diff --git a/src/matrix-sdk.cpp b/src/matrix-sdk.cpp
index 9216ccb..323e248 100644
--- a/src/matrix-sdk.cpp
+++ b/src/matrix-sdk.cpp
@@ -1,537 +1,546 @@
* This file is part of kazv.
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2023 Tusooa Zhu <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
#include <libkazv-config.hpp>
#include <immer/config.hpp> //
#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <chrono>
#include <QMutex>
#include <QMutexLocker>
#include <QtConcurrent>
#include <QThreadPool>
#include <KConfig>
#include <KConfigGroup>
#include <eventemitter/lagerstoreeventemitter.hpp>
#include <client/sdk.hpp>
#include <base/descendent.hpp>
#include <zug/util.hpp>
#include <lager/event_loop/qt.hpp>
#include "matrix-sdk.hpp"
#include "matrix-room-list.hpp"
#include "matrix-promise.hpp"
#include "helper.hpp"
#include "kazv-path-config.hpp"
#include "kazv-version.hpp"
#include "qt-json.hpp"
#include "qt-rand-adapter.hpp"
#include "qt-promise-handler.hpp"
#include "qt-job-handler.hpp"
#include "device-mgmt/matrix-device-list.hpp"
using namespace Kazv;
// Sdk with qt event loop, identity transform and no enhancers
using SdkT =
static void serializeClientToFile(Client c);
struct MatrixSdkPrivate
MatrixSdkPrivate(MatrixSdk *q, bool testing);
MatrixSdkPrivate(MatrixSdk *q, bool testing, SdkModel model);
bool testing;
RandomInterface randomGenerator;
QThread thread;
QThreadPool pool;
QObject *obj;
QtJobHandler *jobHandler;
LagerStoreEventEmitter ee;
LagerStoreEventEmitter::Watchable watchable;
SdkT sdk;
QTimer saveTimer;
using SecondaryRootT = decltype(sdk.createSecondaryRoot(std::declval<lager::with_qt_event_loop>()));
SecondaryRootT secondaryRoot;
Client clientOnSecondaryRoot;
void runIoContext() {
void maybeSerialize()
if (!testing) {
class CleanupHelper : public QObject
explicit CleanupHelper(std::unique_ptr<MatrixSdkPrivate> d)
: oldD(std::move(d))
connect(oldD->obj, &QObject::destroyed, this, &CleanupHelper::stopThread);
std::shared_ptr<MatrixSdkPrivate> oldD;
void cleanup()
qCInfo(kazvLog) << "start to clean up everything";
// Not running io_context::stop() because it will
// disregard any remaining work guards. Here we just
// want to end any periodic jobs but still wait for
// current remaining jobs.
qCDebug(kazvLog) << "stopped syncing";
qCDebug(kazvLog) << "deleted jobhandler";
qCDebug(kazvLog) << "deleted object";
void stopThread()
QTimer::singleShot(0, this, &CleanupHelper::doStopThread);
void doStopThread()
qCDebug(kazvLog) << "stopping thread";
qCInfo(kazvLog) << "from here, the old data can be destructed";
static void serializeClientToFile(Client c)
using namespace Kazv::CursorOp;
auto userId = +c.userId();
auto deviceId = +c.deviceId();
if (userId.empty() || deviceId.empty()) {
qDebug() << "Not logged in, nothing to serialize";
using StdPath = std::filesystem::path;
auto userDataDir = StdPath(kazvUserDataDir().toStdString());
auto sessionDir = userDataDir / "sessions"
/ userId / deviceId;
auto storeFile = sessionDir / "store";
auto metadataFile = sessionDir / "metadata";
qDebug() << "storeFile=" << QString::fromStdString(storeFile.native());
std::error_code err;
if ((! std::filesystem::create_directories(sessionDir, err))
&& err) {
qDebug() << "Unable to create sessionDir";
auto storeStream = std::ofstream(storeFile);
if (! storeStream) {
qDebug() << "Unable to open storeFile";
using OAr = boost::archive::text_oarchive;
auto archive = OAr{storeStream};
qDebug() << "Serialization done";
// store metadata
KConfig metadata(QString::fromStdString(metadataFile.native()));
KConfigGroup mdGroup(&metadata, "Metadata");
mdGroup.writeEntry("kazvVersion", QString::fromStdString(kazvVersionString()));
mdGroup.writeEntry("archiveFormat", "text");
MatrixSdkPrivate::MatrixSdkPrivate(MatrixSdk *q, bool testing)
: testing(testing)
, randomGenerator(QtRandAdapter{})
, thread()
, pool()
, obj(new QObject(&thread))
, jobHandler(new QtJobHandler(obj))
, ee{lager::with_qt_event_loop{*obj, pool}}
, watchable(ee.watchable())
, sdk(makeDefaultSdkWithCryptoRandom(
static_cast<JobInterface &>(*jobHandler),
static_cast<EventInterface &>(ee),
, secondaryRoot(sdk.createSecondaryRoot(lager::with_qt_event_loop{*q}))
, clientOnSecondaryRoot(sdk.clientFromSecondaryRoot(secondaryRoot))
MatrixSdkPrivate::MatrixSdkPrivate(MatrixSdk *q, bool testing, SdkModel model)
: testing(testing)
, randomGenerator(QtRandAdapter{})
, thread()
, pool()
, obj(new QObject(&thread))
, jobHandler(new QtJobHandler(obj))
, ee{lager::with_qt_event_loop{*obj, pool}}
, watchable(ee.watchable())
, sdk(makeSdk(
static_cast<JobInterface &>(*jobHandler),
static_cast<EventInterface &>(ee),
, secondaryRoot(sdk.createSecondaryRoot(lager::with_qt_event_loop{*q, pool}, std::move(model)))
, clientOnSecondaryRoot(sdk.clientFromSecondaryRoot(secondaryRoot))
MatrixSdk::MatrixSdk(std::unique_ptr<MatrixSdkPrivate> d, QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
, m_d(std::move(d))
connect(this, &MatrixSdk::trigger,
this, [](KazvEvent e) {
qDebug() << "receiving trigger:";
if (std::holds_alternative<LoginSuccessful>(e)) {
qDebug() << "Login successful";
void MatrixSdk::init()
LAGER_QT(serverUrl) = m_d->clientOnSecondaryRoot.serverUrl().xform(strToQt); Q_EMIT serverUrlChanged(serverUrl());
LAGER_QT(userId) = m_d->clientOnSecondaryRoot.userId().xform(strToQt); Q_EMIT userIdChanged(userId());
LAGER_QT(token) = m_d->clientOnSecondaryRoot.token().xform(strToQt); Q_EMIT tokenChanged(token());
LAGER_QT(deviceId) = m_d->clientOnSecondaryRoot.deviceId().xform(strToQt); Q_EMIT deviceIdChanged(deviceId());
[this](KazvEvent e) {
Q_EMIT this->trigger(e);
[this](LoginSuccessful e) {
Q_EMIT this->loginSuccessful(e);
[this](LoginFailed e) {
Q_EMIT this->loginFailed(
connect(&m_d->saveTimer, &QTimer::timeout, &m_d->saveTimer, [m_d=m_d.get()]() {
const int saveIntervalMs = 1000 * 60 * 5;
MatrixSdk::MatrixSdk(QObject *parent)
: MatrixSdk(std::make_unique<MatrixSdkPrivate>(this, /* testing = */ false), parent)
MatrixSdk::MatrixSdk(SdkModel model, bool testing, QObject *parent)
: MatrixSdk(std::make_unique<MatrixSdkPrivate>(this, testing, std::move(model)), parent)
static void cleanupDPointer(std::unique_ptr<MatrixSdkPrivate> oldD)
auto helper = new CleanupHelper(std::move(oldD));
if (m_d) {
QString MatrixSdk::mxcUriToHttp(QString mxcUri) const
return QString::fromStdString(m_d->clientOnSecondaryRoot.mxcUriToHttp(mxcUri.toStdString()));
MatrixDeviceList *MatrixSdk::devicesOfUser(QString userId) const
return new MatrixDeviceList(m_d->clientOnSecondaryRoot.devicesOfUser(userId.toStdString()));
void MatrixSdk::login(const QString &userId, const QString &password)
](auto res) {
if (!res.success()) {
// FIXME use real error codes and msgs when available in libkazv
Q_EMIT this->discoverFailed("", "");
return res;
auto serverUrl = res.dataStr("homeserverUrl");
"kazv 0.0.0"
return res;
MatrixRoomList *MatrixSdk::roomList() const
return new MatrixRoomList(m_d->clientOnSecondaryRoot);
void MatrixSdk::emplace(std::optional<SdkModel> model)
auto testing = m_d->testing;
if (m_d) {
m_d = (model.has_value()
? std::make_unique<MatrixSdkPrivate>(this, testing, std::move(model.value()))
: std::make_unique<MatrixSdkPrivate>(this, testing));
// Re-initialize lager-qt cursors and watchable connections
Q_EMIT sessionChanged();
QStringList MatrixSdk::allSessions() const
using StdPath = std::filesystem::path;
auto userDataDir = StdPath(kazvUserDataDir().toStdString());
auto allSessionsDir = userDataDir / "sessions";
QStringList sessionNames;
try {
for (const auto &p : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(allSessionsDir)) {
if (p.is_directory()) {
auto userId = p.path().filename().native();
for (const auto &q : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(p.path())) {
auto path = q.path();
auto deviceId = path.filename().native();
std::error_code err;
if (std::filesystem::exists(path / "store", err)) {
sessionNames.append(QString::fromStdString(userId + "/" + deviceId));
} catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &) {
qDebug() << "sessionDir not available, ignoring";
return sessionNames;
void MatrixSdk::serializeToFile() const
bool MatrixSdk::loadSession(QString sessionName)
qDebug() << "in loadSession(), sessionName=" << sessionName;
using StdPath = std::filesystem::path;
auto userDataDir = StdPath(kazvUserDataDir().toStdString());
auto sessionDir = userDataDir / "sessions" / sessionName.toStdString();
auto storeFile = sessionDir / "store";
auto metadataFile = sessionDir / "metadata";
if (! std::filesystem::exists(storeFile)) {
qDebug() << "storeFile does not exist, skip loading session " << sessionName;
return false;
if (std::filesystem::exists(metadataFile)) {
KConfig metadata(QString::fromStdString(metadataFile.native()));
KConfigGroup mdGroup(&metadata, "Metadata");
auto format = mdGroup.readEntry("archiveFormat");
if (format != QStringLiteral("text")) {
qDebug() << "Unknown archive format:" << format;
return false;
auto version = mdGroup.readEntry("kazvVersion");
auto curVersion = kazvVersionString();
if (version != QString::fromStdString(curVersion)) {
qDebug() << "A different version from the current one, making a backup";
std::error_code err;
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto backupName =
auto backupDir = sessionDir / "backup" / backupName;
if (! std::filesystem::create_directories(backupDir, err)
&& err) {
qDebug() << "Cannot create backup directory";
return false;
std::filesystem::copy_file(storeFile, backupDir / "store");
std::filesystem::copy_file(metadataFile, backupDir / "metadata");
SdkModel model;
try {
auto storeStream = std::ifstream(storeFile);
if (! storeStream) {
qDebug() << "Unable to open storeFile";
return false;
using IAr = boost::archive::text_iarchive;
auto archive = IAr{storeStream};
archive >> model;
qDebug() << "Finished loading session";
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
qDebug() << "Error when loading session:" << QString::fromStdString(e.what());
return false;
return true;
bool MatrixSdk::startNewSession()
return true;
static std::optional<std::string> optMaybe(QString s)
if (s.isEmpty()) {
return std::nullopt;
} else {
return s.toStdString();
void MatrixSdk::createRoom(
bool isPrivate,
const QString &name,
const QString &alias,
const QStringList &invite,
bool isDirect,
bool allowFederate,
const QString &topic,
const QJsonValue &powerLevelContentOverride
isPrivate ? Kazv::RoomVisibility::Private : Kazv::RoomVisibility::Public,
.then([this, client=m_d->clientOnSecondaryRoot.toEventLoop()](auto stat) {
if (stat.success()) {
Q_EMIT createRoomSuccessful();
} else {
Q_EMIT createRoomFailed("", "");
void MatrixSdk::joinRoom(const QString &idOrAlias, const QStringList &servers)
.then([this, idOrAlias, client=m_d->clientOnSecondaryRoot.toEventLoop()](auto stat) {
if (stat.success()) {
Q_EMIT joinRoomSuccessful(idOrAlias);
} else {
Q_EMIT joinRoomFailed(idOrAlias, "", "");
MatrixPromise *MatrixSdk::setDeviceTrustLevel(QString userId, QString deviceId, QString trustLevel)
return new MatrixPromise(
MatrixPromise *MatrixSdk::getSelfProfile()
return new MatrixPromise(
+MatrixPromise *MatrixSdk::setDisplayName(QString displayName)
+ return new MatrixPromise(
+ m_d->clientOnSecondaryRoot.setDisplayName(
+ displayName.isEmpty() ? std::nullopt : std::optional<std::string>(displayName.toStdString())
+ )
+ );
void MatrixSdk::startThread()
#include "matrix-sdk.moc"
diff --git a/src/matrix-sdk.hpp b/src/matrix-sdk.hpp
index 9e2a27b..7190c25 100644
--- a/src/matrix-sdk.hpp
+++ b/src/matrix-sdk.hpp
@@ -1,170 +1,177 @@
* This file is part of kazv.
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2023 tusooa <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include <libkazv-config.hpp>
#include <immer/config.hpp> //
#include <QObject>
#include <QQmlEngine>
#include <QString>
#include <memory>
#include <lager/extra/qt.hpp>
#include <sdk-model.hpp>
#include "meta-types.hpp"
class MatrixRoomList;
class MatrixDeviceList;
class MatrixPromise;
class MatrixSdkTest;
struct MatrixSdkPrivate;
class MatrixSdk : public QObject
std::unique_ptr<MatrixSdkPrivate> m_d;
/// @param d A dynamically allocated d-pointer, whose ownership
/// will be transferred to this MatrixSdk.
explicit MatrixSdk(std::unique_ptr<MatrixSdkPrivate> d, QObject *parent);
void init();
explicit MatrixSdk(QObject *parent = 0);
~MatrixSdk() override;
LAGER_QT_READER(QString, serverUrl);
LAGER_QT_READER(QString, userId);
LAGER_QT_READER(QString, token);
LAGER_QT_READER(QString, deviceId);
Q_INVOKABLE MatrixRoomList *roomList() const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString mxcUriToHttp(QString mxcUri) const;
Q_INVOKABLE MatrixDeviceList *devicesOfUser(QString userId) const;
// Replaces the store with another one
void emplace(std::optional<Kazv::SdkModel> model);
void trigger(Kazv::KazvEvent e);
void loginSuccessful(Kazv::KazvEvent e);
void loginFailed(QString errorCode, QString errorMsg);
void discoverFailed(QString errorCode, QString errorMsg);
void createRoomSuccessful();
void createRoomFailed(QString errorCode, QString errorMsg);
void joinRoomSuccessful(const QString &idOrAlias);
void joinRoomFailed(const QString &idOrAlias, const QString &errorCode, const QString &errorMsg);
void sessionChanged();
public Q_SLOTS:
void login(const QString &userId, const QString &password);
* Serialize data to <AppDataDir>/sessions/<userid>/<deviceid>/
* If not logged in, do nothing.
void serializeToFile() const;
* Load session at <AppDataDir>/sessions/<sessionName> .
* @param sessionName A string in the form of <userid>/<deviceid> .
* @return true if successful, false otherwise.
bool loadSession(QString sessionName);
* Start an empty session.
* The new session is not logged in, and need to call login().
* @return true if successful, false otherwise.
bool startNewSession();
* Get all saved sessions.
* @return A list of session names in the form of <userid>/<deviceid> .
QStringList allSessions() const;
* Create a new room.
* @param isPrivate Whether the room is private.
* @param name The room's name.
* @param alias The alias of the room.
* @param invite List of matrix ids of users to invite.
* @param isDirect Whether it is a direct message room.
* @param allowFederate Whether to allow users on other servers to join.
* @param topic The topic of the room.
* @param powerLevelContentOverride The content to override event.
void createRoom(
bool isPrivate,
const QString &name,
const QString &alias,
const QStringList &invite,
bool isDirect,
bool allowFederate,
const QString &topic,
const QJsonValue &powerLevelContentOverride
* Join a room.
* @param idOrAlias The id or alias of the room to join.
* @param servers The servers to use when joining the room.
void joinRoom(
const QString &idOrAlias,
const QStringList &servers
* Change the trust level of a device.
* @param userId The user id that owns the device.
* @param deviceId The device id to set the trust level.
* @param trustLevel The trust level.
* @return A MatrixPromise representing the progress.
MatrixPromise *setDeviceTrustLevel(QString userId, QString deviceId, QString trustLevel);
* Get the profile of the current user.
* @return A MatrixPromise representing the progress.
MatrixPromise *getSelfProfile();
+ /**
+ * Set the display name of the current user.
+ *
+ * @return A MatrixPromise representing the progress.
+ */
+ MatrixPromise *setDisplayName(QString displayName);
private: // Testing
friend MatrixSdkTest;
friend MatrixSdk *makeTestSdk(Kazv::SdkModel model);
explicit MatrixSdk(Kazv::SdkModel model, bool testing = false, QObject *parent = 0);
void startThread();
diff --git a/src/resources.qrc b/src/resources.qrc
index ae104e8..3293022 100644
--- a/src/resources.qrc
+++ b/src/resources.qrc
@@ -1,54 +1,55 @@
<qresource prefix="/">
<file alias="main.qml">contents/ui/main.qml</file>
<file alias="LoginPage.qml">contents/ui/LoginPage.qml</file>
<file alias="MainPage.qml">contents/ui/MainPage.qml</file>
<file alias="TabView.qml">contents/ui/TabView.qml</file>
<file alias="Tab.qml">contents/ui/Tab.qml</file>
<file alias="RoomListView.qml">contents/ui/RoomListView.qml</file>
<file alias="RoomPage.qml">contents/ui/RoomPage.qml</file>
<file alias="RoomTimelineView.qml">contents/ui/RoomTimelineView.qml</file>
<file alias="SendMessageBox.qml">contents/ui/SendMessageBox.qml</file>
<file alias="EventView.qml">contents/ui/EventView.qml</file>
<file alias="Bubble.qml">contents/ui/Bubble.qml</file>
<file alias="MediaFileMenu.qml">contents/ui/MediaFileMenu.qml</file>
<file alias="KazvIOMenu.qml">contents/ui/KazvIOMenu.qml</file>
<file alias="event-types/Simple.qml">contents/ui/event-types/Simple.qml</file>
<file alias="event-types/Text.qml">contents/ui/event-types/Text.qml</file>
<file alias="event-types/Emote.qml">contents/ui/event-types/Emote.qml</file>
<file alias="event-types/Notice.qml">contents/ui/event-types/Notice.qml</file>
<file alias="event-types/State.qml">contents/ui/event-types/State.qml</file>
<file alias="event-types/TextTemplate.qml">contents/ui/event-types/TextTemplate.qml</file>
<file alias="event-types/Image.qml">contents/ui/event-types/Image.qml</file>
<file alias="event-types/File.qml">contents/ui/event-types/File.qml</file>
<file alias="event-types/Video.qml">contents/ui/event-types/Video.qml</file>
<file alias="event-types/Audio.qml">contents/ui/event-types/Audio.qml</file>
<file alias="event-types/MediaBubble.qml">contents/ui/event-types/MediaBubble.qml</file>
<file alias="event-types/Redacted.qml">contents/ui/event-types/Redacted.qml</file>
<file alias="ActionSettingsPage.qml">contents/ui/ActionSettingsPage.qml</file>
<file alias="CreateRoomPage.qml">contents/ui/CreateRoomPage.qml</file>
<file alias="JoinRoomPage.qml">contents/ui/JoinRoomPage.qml</file>
+ <file alias="AsyncHandler.qml">contents/ui/AsyncHandler.qml</file>
<file alias="SettingsPage.qml">contents/ui/SettingsPage.qml</file>
<file alias="settings/ProfileSettings.qml">contents/ui/settings/ProfileSettings.qml</file>
<file alias="device-mgmt/Device.qml">contents/ui/device-mgmt/Device.qml</file>
<file alias="device-mgmt/DeviceList.qml">contents/ui/device-mgmt/DeviceList.qml</file>
<file alias="UserPage.qml">contents/ui/UserPage.qml</file>
<file alias="shortcuts/ActionCollection.qml">contents/ui/shortcuts/ActionCollection.qml</file>
<file alias="shortcuts/ActionItem.qml">contents/ui/shortcuts/ActionItem.qml</file>
<file alias="shortcuts/ActionSettings.qml">contents/ui/shortcuts/ActionSettings.qml</file>
<file alias="shortcuts/ShortcutInput.qml">contents/ui/shortcuts/ShortcutInput.qml</file>
<file alias="l10n.js">js/l10n.js</file>
<file alias="fluent-bundle.js">js/transformed-libs/fluent-bundle.js</file>
<file alias="fluent-sequence.js">js/transformed-libs/fluent-sequence.js</file>
<file alias="fluent-langneg.js">js/transformed-libs/fluent-langneg.js</file>
<file alias="bundled-deps.js">js/transformed-libs/bundled-deps.js</file>
<file alias="global-this.js">js/global-this.js</file>
<file alias="matrix-helpers.js">js/matrix-helpers.js</file>

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Jan 19, 11:43 PM (1 d, 4 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(44 KB)

Event Timeline