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# Tesla
[![Build Status](](
Tesla is an HTTP client losely based on [Faraday](
It embraces the concept of middleware when processing the request/response cycle.
## Direct usage
# Example get request
response = Tesla.get("")
response.status # => 200
response.body # => '{\n "origin": ""\n}\n'
response.headers # => %{'Content-Type' => 'application/json' ...}
response = Tesla.get("", query: [a: 1, b: "foo"])
response.url # => ""
# Example post request
response ="", "data", headers: %{"Content-Type" => "application/json"})
## Installation
Add `tesla` as dependency in `mix.exs`
defp deps do
[{:tesla, "~> 0.5.0"},
{:poison, ">= 1.0.0"}] # for JSON middleware
When using `ibrowse` or `hackney` adapters remember to alter applications list in `mix.exs`
def application do
[applications: [:ibrowse, ...], ...] # or :hackney
## Creating API clients
Use `Tesla` module to create API wrappers.
For example
defmodule GitHub do
use Tesla
plug Tesla.Middleware.BaseUrl, ""
plug Tesla.Middleware.Headers, %{'Authorization' => 'xyz'}
plug Tesla.Middleware.JSON
adapter Tesla.Adapter.Hackney
def user_repos(login) do
get("/user/" <> login <> "/repos")
Then use it like this:
## Adapters
Tesla has support for different adapters that do the actual HTTP request processing.
### [httpc](
The default adapter, available in all erlang installations
### [hackney](
This adapter supports real streaming body.
To use it simply include `adapter :hackney` line in your API client definition.
NOTE: Remember to include hackney in applications list.
### [ibrowse](
Tesla has built-in support for [ibrowse]( Erlang HTTP client.
To use it simply include `adapter :ibrowse` line in your API client definition.
NOTE: Remember to include ibrowse in applications list.
### Test / Mock
When testing it might be useful to use simple function as adapter:
defmodule MyApi do
use Tesla
adapter fn (env) ->
case env.url do
"/" -> %{env | status: 200, body: "home"}
"/about" -> %{env | status: 200, body: "about us"}
## Middleware
### Basic
- `Tesla.Middleware.BaseUrl` - set base url for all request
- `Tesla.Middleware.Headers` - set request headers
- `Tesla.Middleware.Query` - set query parameters
- `Tesla.Middleware.DecodeRels` - decode `Link` header into `opts[:rels]` field in response
- `Tesla.Middleware.Retry` - retry few times in case of connection refused
### JSON
NOTE: requires [poison]( (or other engine) as dependency
- `Tesla.Middleware.JSON`` - encode/decode request/response bodies as JSON
If you are using different json library it can be easily configured:
plug Tesla.Middleware.JSON, engine: JSX, engine_opts: [strict: [:comments]]
# or
plug Tesla.Middleware.JSON, decode: &JSX.decode/1, encode: &JSX.encode/1
See [`json.ex`]( for implementation details.
### Logging
- `Tesla.Middleware.Logger` - log each request in single line including method, path, status and execution time (colored)
- `Tesla.Middleware.DebugLogger` - log full request and response (incl. headers and body)
+### Authentication
+- `Tesla.Middleware.DigestAuth` - [Digest access authentication](
## Dynamic middleware
All methods can take a middleware function as the first parameter.
This allow to use convenient syntax for modifying the behaviour in runtime.
Consider the following case: GitHub API can be accessed using OAuth token authorization.
We can't use `plug Tesla.Middleware.Headers, %{"Authorization" => "token here"}` since this would be compiled only once and there is no way to insert dynamic user token.
Instead, we can use `Tesla.build_client` to create a dynamic middleware function:
defmodule GitHub do
# same as above
def client(token) do
Tesla.build_client [
{Tesla.Middleware.Headers, %{"Authorization" => "token: " <> token }}
and then:
client = GitHub.client(user_token)
client |> GitHub.user_repos("teamon")
client |> GitHub.get("/me")
## Writing your own middleware
A Tesla middleware is a module with `call/3` function, that at some point calls `, next)` to process
the rest of stack
defmodule MyMiddleware do
def call(env, next, options) do
|> do_something_with_request
|> do_something_with_response
The arguments are:
- `env` - `Tesla.Env` instance
- `next` - middleware continuation stack; to be executed with `, next)`
- `options` - arguments passed during middleware configuration (`plug MyMiddleware, options`)
There is no distinction between request and response middleware, it's all about executing `` function at the correct time.
For example, z request logger middleware could be implemented like this:
defmodule Tesla.Middleware.RequestLogger do
def call(env, next, _) do
IO.inspect env # print request env, next)
and response logger middleware like this:
defmodule Tesla.Middleware.ResponseLogger do
def call(env, next, _) do
res =, next)
IO.inspect res # print response env
See [`core.ex`]( and [`json.ex`]( for more examples.
## Streaming body
If adapter supports it, you can pass a [Stream]( as body, e.g.:
defmodule ES do
use Tesla.Builder
plug Tesla.Middleware.BaseUrl, "http://localhost:9200"
plug Tesla.Middleware.DecodeJson
plug Tesla.Middleware.EncodeJson
def index(records) do
stream = records |> record -> %{index: [some, data]})
post("/_bulk", stream)
Each piece of stream will be encoded as json and sent as a new line (conforming to json stream format)
diff --git a/lib/tesla/middleware/digest_auth.ex b/lib/tesla/middleware/digest_auth.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17fe731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tesla/middleware/digest_auth.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+defmodule Tesla.Middleware.DigestAuth do
+ @moduledoc """
+ Digest access authentication middleware
+ [Wiki on the topic](
+ **NOTE** Currently the implementation is incomplete and works only for MD5 algorithm
+ and auth qop.
+ Example:
+ defmodule MyClient do
+ use Tesla
+ def client(username, password, opts \\ %{}) do
+ Tesla.build_client [
+ {Tesla.Middleware.DigestAuth, Map.merge(%{username: username, password: password}, opts)}
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ Options:
+ - `:username` - username (defaults to `""`)
+ - `:password` - password (defaults to `""`)
+ - `:cnonce_fn` - custom function generating client nonce (defaults to `&Tesla.Middleware.DigestAuth.cnonce/0`)
+ - `:nc` - nonce counter (defaults to `"00000000"`)
+ """
+ def call(env, next, opts) do
+ if env.opts && Keyword.get(env.opts, :digest_auth_handshake) do
+, next)
+ else
+ opts = opts || %{}
+ env
+ |> Map.update!(:headers, &Map.merge(&1, authorization_header(env, opts)))
+ |>
+ end
+ end
+ defp authorization_header(env, opts) do
+ env
+ |> authorization_vars(opts)
+ |> calculated_authorization_values
+ |> create_header
+ end
+ defp authorization_vars(env, opts) do
+ unauthorized_response = env.__module__.get(env.__client__, env.url, [
+ opts: Keyword.put((env.opts || []), :digest_auth_handshake, true),
+ ])
+ %{
+ username: opts[:username] || "",
+ password: opts[:password] || "",
+ path: URI.parse(env.url).path,
+ auth: unauthorized_response.headers["www-authenticate"] |> parse_www_authenticate_header,
+ method: env.method |> to_string |> String.upcase,
+ client_nonce: (opts[:cnonce_fn] || &cnonce/0).(),
+ nc: opts[:nc] || "00000000",
+ }
+ end
+ defp calculated_authorization_values(%{auth: auth}) when auth == %{}, do: []
+ defp calculated_authorization_values(auth_vars) do
+ [
+ {"username", auth_vars.username},
+ {"realm", auth_vars.auth["realm"]},
+ {"uri", auth_vars[:path]},
+ {"nonce", auth_vars.auth["nonce"]},
+ {"nc",},
+ {"cnonce", auth_vars.client_nonce},
+ {"response", response(auth_vars)},
+ {"algorithm", "MD5"}, # hard-coded, will not work for MD5-sess
+ {"qop", "auth"}, # hard-coded, will not work for auth-int or unspecified
+ ]
+ end
+ defp single_header_val({k, v}) when k in ~w(nc qop algorithm), do: "#{k}=#{v}"
+ defp single_header_val({k, v}), do: "#{k}=\"#{v}\""
+ defp create_header([]), do: %{}
+ defp create_header(calculated_authorization_values) do
+ vals = calculated_authorization_values
+ |> Enum.reduce([], fn(val, acc) -> [single_header_val(val) | acc] end)
+ |> Enum.join(", ")
+ %{"Authorization" => "Digest #{vals}"}
+ end
+ defp ha1(%{username: username, auth: %{"realm" => realm}, password: password}) do
+ md5("#{username}:#{realm}:#{password}")
+ end
+ defp ha2(%{method: method, path: path}) do
+ md5("#{method}:#{path}")
+ end
+ defp response(%{auth: %{"nonce" => nonce}, nc: nc, client_nonce: client_nonce} = auth_vars) do
+ md5("#{ha1(auth_vars)}:#{nonce}:#{nc}:#{client_nonce}:auth:#{ha2(auth_vars)}")
+ end
+ defp parse_www_authenticate_header(nil), do: %{}
+ defp parse_www_authenticate_header(header) do
+ Regex.scan(~r/(\w+?)="(.+?)"/, header)
+ |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn([_, key, val], acc) -> Map.merge(acc, %{key => val}) end)
+ end
+ defp md5(data), do: Base.encode16(:erlang.md5(data), case: :lower)
+ defp cnonce, do: :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(4) |> Base.encode16(case: :lower)
diff --git a/test/tesla/middleware/digest_auth_test.exs b/test/tesla/middleware/digest_auth_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9821705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/tesla/middleware/digest_auth_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+defmodule DigestAuthTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case, async: false
+ use Tesla.Middleware.TestCase, middleware: Tesla.Middleware.DigestAuth
+ defmodule DigestClient do
+ use Tesla
+ adapter fn env ->
+ case env do
+ %{url: "/no-digest-auth"} -> env
+ %{headers: %{"authorization" => _}} -> env
+ _ ->
+ %{env | headers: %{
+ "WWW-Authenticate" => """
+ Digest realm="",
+ qop="auth,auth-int",
+ nonce="dcd98b7102dd2f0e8b11d0f600bfb0c093",
+ opaque="5ccc069c403ebaf9f0171e9517f40e41"
+ """
+ }}
+ end
+ end
+ def client(username, password, opts \\ %{}) do
+ Tesla.build_client [
+ {Tesla.Middleware.DigestAuth, Map.merge(%{
+ username: username,
+ password: password,
+ cnonce_fn: fn -> "0a4f113b" end,
+ nc: "00000001",
+ }, opts)}
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ defmodule DigestClientWithDefaults do
+ use Tesla
+ def client do
+ Tesla.build_client([
+ {Tesla.Middleware.DigestAuth, nil}
+ ])
+ end
+ end
+ test "sends request with proper authorization header" do
+ request = DigestClient.client("Mufasa", "Circle Of Life") |> DigestClient.get("/dir/index.html")
+ auth_header = request.headers["authorization"]
+ assert auth_header =~ ~r/^Digest /
+ assert auth_header =~ "username=\"Mufasa\""
+ assert auth_header =~ "realm=\"\""
+ assert auth_header =~ "algorithm=MD5"
+ assert auth_header =~ "qop=auth"
+ assert auth_header =~ "uri=\"/dir/index.html\""
+ assert auth_header =~ "nonce=\"dcd98b7102dd2f0e8b11d0f600bfb0c093\""
+ assert auth_header =~ "nc=00000001"
+ assert auth_header =~ "cnonce=\"0a4f113b\""
+ assert auth_header =~ "response=\"6629fae49393a05397450978507c4ef1\""
+ end
+ test "has default values for username and cn" do
+ response = DigestClientWithDefaults.client |> DigestClient.get("/")
+ auth_header = response.headers["authorization"]
+ assert auth_header =~ "username=\"\""
+ assert auth_header =~ "nc=00000000"
+ end
+ test "generates different cnonce with each request by default" do
+ request = fn -> DigestClientWithDefaults.client |> DigestClient.get("/") end
+ cnonce_1 ="(.*?)"/, request.().headers["authorization"]) |>
+ cnonce_2 ="(.*?)"/, request.().headers["authorization"]) |>
+ assert cnonce_1 != cnonce_2
+ end
+ test "works when passing custom opts" do
+ request = DigestClientWithDefaults.client |> DigestClient.get("/", opts: [hodor: "hodor"])
+ assert request.opts == [hodor: "hodor"]
+ end
+ test "ignores digest auth when server doesn't respond with www-authenticate header" do
+ response = DigestClientWithDefaults.client |> DigestClient.get("/no-digest-auth")
+ refute response.headers["authorization"]
+ end

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