+Thanks to the contributions of the community โค๏ธ๐๐๐๐งก
+ * [surik](https://github.com/surik)
+ * [holsee](https://github.com/holsee)
+ * [fmcgeough](https://github.com/fmcgeough)
+ - Feature: the `OpenApiSpex` and `OpenApiSpex.Info` structs now support [extensions](https://swagger.io/docs/specification/openapi-extensions/) (#108) (#114)
+ The `extensions` key may contain any additional data that should be included in the info, eg the `x-logo` and `x-tagGroups` extensions:
+ ```elixir
+ spec = %OpenApi{
+ info: %Info{
+ title: "Test",
+ version: "1.0.0",
+ extensions: %{
+ "x-logo" => %{
+ "url" => "https://example.com/logo.png",
+ "backgroundColor" => "#FFFFFF",
+ "altText" => "Example logo"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ extensions: %{
+ "x-tagGroups" => [
+ %{
+ "name" => "Methods",
+ "tags" => [
+ "Search",
+ "Fetch",
+ "Delete"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ paths: %{ ... }
+ }
+ ```
+ - Deprecation: `OpenApiSpex.Server.from_endpoint/2` has been deprecated in favor of `OpenApiSpex.Server.from_endpoint/1`.
+ Simply remove the `otp_app:` option from the call to use the new function. (#116)
+ # server = Server.from_endpoint(Endpoint, otp_app: :my_phoenix_app)
+ server = Server.from_endpoint(MyPhoenixAppWeb.Endpoint)
+ - Fix: The internal representation of a Phoenix Route struct changed in Phoenix 1.4.7 breaking the `OpenApiSpex.Paths.from_router/1` function. OpenApiSpex 3.4.0 will support both representations until the Phoenix API becomes stable. (#118)
# 3.3.0
Thanks to the contributions from the community! ๐
* [hauleth](https://github.com/hauleth)
* [cstaud](https://github.com/cstaud)
* [xadhoom](https://github.com/xadhoom)
* [nurugger07](https://github.com/nurugger07)
* [fenollp](https://github.com/fenollp)
* [moxley](https://github.com/moxley)
- Feature: Enums expressed as atoms or atom-keyed maps can be cast from strings (or string-keyed maps). (#60) (#101)
- Feature: A custom plug may be provided to render errors (#46)
- Fix compiler warnings and improve CI process (#53)
- Fix: Support casting GET requests without Content-Type header (#50, #49)
- Open API Spex has been moved to the new `open-api-spex` Github organisation
# 2.3.1
- Docs: Update example application to include swagger generate mix task (#41)
- Fix: Ignore charset in content-type header when looking up schema by content type. (#45)
Thanks to [dmt](https://github.com/dmt) and [fenollp](https://github.com/fenollp) for contributions!
# 2.3.0
- Feature: Validate string enum types. (#33)
- Feature: Detect and report missing API spec in `OpenApiSpex.Plug.Cast` (#37)
- Fix: Correct atom for parameter `style` field typespec (#36)
Thanks to [slavo2](https://github.com/slavo2) and [anagromataf](https://github.com/anagromataf) for
# 2.2.0
- Feature: Support composite schemas in `OpenApiSpex.schema`
structs defined with `OpenApiSpex.schema` will include all properties defined in schemas
listed in `allOf`. See the `OpenApiSpex.Schema` docs for some examples.
- Feature: Support composite and polymorphic schemas with `OpenApiSpex.cast/3`.
- `discriminator` is used to cast polymorphic shemas to a more specific schema.
- `allOf` will cast all properties in each included schema
- `oneOf` / `anyOf` will attempt to use each schema until a successful cast is made
# 2.1.1
- Fix: (#24, #25) Operations that define `parameters` and a `requestBody` schema can be validated.
# 2.1.0
- Feature: (#16) Error response from `OpenApiSpex.cast` when value contains unknown properties and schema declares `additionalProperties: false`.
- Feature: (#20) Update swagger-ui to version 3.17.0.
- Fix: (#17, #21, #22) Update typespecs for struct types.
# 2.0.0
Major version update following from API change in `OpenApiSpex.cast` and `OpenApiSpex.validate`.
When casting/validating all parameters against an `OpenApiSpex.Operation`, the complete `Plug.Conn` struct must now be passed, where the combined params map was previously accepted.
This allows `OpenApiSpex.cast` / `OpenApiSpex.validate` to check that the parameters are being supplied in the expected location (query, path, body, header, cookie).
In version 2.0.0, only unexpected query parameters will cause a 422 response from `OpenApiSpex.Plug.Cast`, this may be extended in future versions to detect more invalid requests.
Thanks [cstaud](https://github.com/cstaud), [rutho](https://github.com/ThomasRueckert), [anagromataf](https://github.com/anagromataf) for contributions!
- Change: (#9) swagger-ui updated to 3.13.4
- Change (#9) Unexpected query parameters will produce an error response from `OpenApiSpex.Plug.Cast`
- Change: (#9) `OpenApiSpex.cast/4` now requires a complete `Plug.Conn` struct when casting all parameters of an `OpenApiSpex.Operation`
- Change: (#14) `OpenApiSpex.validate/4` now requires a complete `Plug.Conn` struct when validating all parameters of an `OpenApiSpex.Operation`
- Fix: (#11) Support resolving list of schema modules in `oneOf`, `anyOf`, etc.
- Fix: `OpenApiSpex.schema` macro allows defining schemas without any properties
- Fix: type declarations better reflect when `nil` is allowed
# 1.1.4
- `additionalProperties` is now `nil` by default, was previously `true`
# 1.1.3
- Fix several bugs and make some minor enhancements to schema casting and validating.
- Add sample application to enable end-to-end testing
# 1.1.2
Fix openapi version output in generated spec.
# 1.1.1
Update swagger-ui to version 3.3.2
# 1.1.0
Include path to invalid element in validation errors.
Eg: "#/user/name: Value does not match pattern: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+"
# 1.0.1
Cache API spec in application environment after first call to PutApiSpec plug
# 1.0.0
Initial release. This package is inspired by [phoenix_swagger](https://github.com/xerions/phoenix_swagger) but targets Open API Spec 3.0.
|> OpenApiSpex.resolve_schema_modules() # discover request/response schemas from path specs
For each plug (controller) that will handle api requests, add an `open_api_operation` callback.
It will be passed the plug opts that were declared in the router, this will be the action for a phoenix controller. The callback populates an `OpenApiSpex.Operation` struct describing the plug/action.
Once your API spec is available through a route, the `OpenApiSpex.Plug.SwaggerUI` plug can be used to serve a SwaggerUI interface. The `path:` plug option must be supplied to give the path to the API spec.
All JavaScript and CSS assets are sourced from cdnjs.cloudflare.com, rather than vendoring into this package.
scope "/" do
pipe_through :browser # Use the default browser stack
get "/", MyAppWeb.PageController, :index
get "/swaggerui", OpenApiSpex.Plug.SwaggerUI, path: "/api/openapi"
Add the `OpenApiSpex.Plug.CastAndValidate` plug to a controller to validate request parameters, and to cast to Elixir types defined by the operation schema.