If the input in a function with arity 1, Exile will call that function with a `Collectable` as the argument. The function must *push* input to this collectable. Return value of the function is ignored.
* `exit_timeout` - Duration to wait for external program to exit after completion before raising an error. Defaults to `:infinity`
- * `chunk_size` - Maximum size of each iodata chunk emitted by stream. Chunk size will be variable depending on the amount of data availble at that time. Defaults to 65535
+ * `max_chunk_size` - Maximum size of each iodata chunk emitted by stream. Chunk size will be variable depending on the amount of data availble at that time. Defaults to 65535
* `use_stderr` - When set to true, stream will contain stderr output along with stdout output. Element of the stream will be of the form `{:stdout, iodata}` or `{:stderr, iodata}` to differentiate different streams. Defaults to false. See example below
All other options are passed to `Exile.Process.start_link/2`