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diff --git a/lib/open_api_spex/open_api/decode.ex b/lib/open_api_spex/open_api/decode.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d944a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/open_api_spex/open_api/decode.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+defmodule OpenApiSpex.OpenApi.Decode do
+ # This module exposes functionality to convert an arbitrary map into a OpenApi struct.
+ alias OpenApiSpex.{
+ Components,
+ Contact,
+ Discriminator,
+ Encoding,
+ Example,
+ ExternalDocumentation,
+ Header,
+ Info,
+ License,
+ Link,
+ MediaType,
+ OAuthFlow,
+ OAuthFlows,
+ OpenApi,
+ Operation,
+ Parameter,
+ PathItem,
+ Reference,
+ RequestBody,
+ Response,
+ Schema,
+ SecurityScheme,
+ Server,
+ ServerVariable,
+ Tag,
+ Xml
+ }
+ def decode(%{"openapi" => _openapi, "info" => _info, "paths" => _paths} = map) do
+ map
+ |> to_struct(OpenApi)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:info, Info)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:paths, PathItems)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:servers, Servers)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:components, Components)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:tags, Tag)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:externalDocs, ExternalDocumentation)
+ end
+ defp struct_from_map(struct, map) when is_atom(struct) do
+ struct_from_map(struct.__struct__(), map)
+ end
+ defp struct_from_map(%_{} = struct, map) do
+ keys = struct |> Map.from_struct() |> Map.keys()
+ Enum.reduce(keys, struct, fn key, struct ->
+ case map_get(map, key) do
+ {_, value} -> Map.put(struct, key, value)
+ _ -> struct
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ defp map_get(map, atom_key) when is_atom(atom_key) do
+ with %{^atom_key => value} <- map do
+ {atom_key, value}
+ else
+ _ -> map_get(map, to_string(atom_key))
+ end
+ end
+ defp map_get(map, string_key) when is_binary(string_key) do
+ case map do
+ %{^string_key => value} -> {string_key, value}
+ _ -> nil
+ end
+ end
+ defp embedded_ref_or_struct(list, mod) when is_list(list) do
+ list
+ |>
+ %{"$ref" => _} = v -> struct_from_map(Reference, v)
+ v -> to_struct(v, mod)
+ end)
+ end
+ defp embedded_ref_or_struct(map, mod) when is_map(map) do
+ map
+ |>
+ {k, %{"$ref" => _} = v} ->
+ {k, struct_from_map(Reference, v)}
+ {k, v} ->
+ {k, to_struct(v, mod)}
+ end)
+ end
+ defp update_map_if_key_present(map, key, fun) do
+ case map do
+ %{^key => value} -> %{map | key => fun.(value)}
+ %{} -> map
+ end
+ end
+ # In some cases, e.g. Schema type we must convert values that are strings to atoms,
+ # for example Schema.type should be one of:
+ #
+ # :string | :number | :integer | :boolean | :array | :object
+ #
+ # This function, ensures that if the map has the key — it'll convert the corresponding value
+ # to an atom.
+ defp convert_value_to_atom_if_present(map, key),
+ do: update_map_if_key_present(map, key, &String.to_atom/1)
+ # In some cases, e.g. Schema type we must convert values that are list of strings to a list atoms,
+ #
+ # This function, ensures that if the map has the key — it'll convert the corresponding value
+ # to a list of atoms.
+ defp convert_value_to_list_of_atoms_if_present(map, key) do
+ map_fn = &String.to_atom/1
+ update_map_if_key_present(map, key, &, map_fn))
+ end
+ # The Schema.type and Schema.required keys require some special treatment since their
+ # values should be converted to atoms
+ defp prepare_schema(map) do
+ map
+ |> convert_value_to_atom_if_present("type")
+ |> convert_value_to_list_of_atoms_if_present("required")
+ end
+ defp to_struct(nil, _mod), do: nil
+ defp to_struct(tag, Tag) when is_binary(tag), do: tag
+ defp to_struct(map, Tag) when is_map(map) do
+ Tag
+ |> struct_from_map(map)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:externalDocs, ExternalDocumentation)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(list, Tag) when is_list(list) do
+ list
+ |>, Tag))
+ end
+ defp to_struct(map, Components) do
+ Components
+ |> struct_from_map(map)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:schemas, Schemas)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:responses, Responses)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:parameters, Parameters)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:examples, Examples)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:requestBodies, RequestBodies)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:headers, Headers)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:securitySchemes, SecuritySchemes)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:links, Links)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:callbacks, Callbacks)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(map, Link) do
+ Link
+ |> struct_from_map(map)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:server, Server)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:requestBody, RequestBody)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:parameters, Parameters)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(map, Links), do: embedded_ref_or_struct(map, Link)
+ defp to_struct(map, SecurityScheme) do
+ SecurityScheme
+ |> struct_from_map(map)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:flows, OAuthFlows)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(map, SecuritySchemes), do: embedded_ref_or_struct(map, SecurityScheme)
+ defp to_struct(map, OAuthFlow) do
+ struct_from_map(OAuthFlow, map)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(map, OAuthFlows) do
+ OAuthFlows
+ |> struct_from_map(map)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:implicit, OAuthFlow)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:password, OAuthFlow)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:clientCredentials, OAuthFlow)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:authorizationCode, OAuthFlow)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(%{"$ref" => _} = map, Schema), do: struct_from_map(Reference, map)
+ defp to_struct(%{"type" => type} = map, Schema)
+ when type in ~w(number integer boolean string) do
+ map
+ |> prepare_schema()
+ |> (&struct_from_map(Schema, &1)).()
+ |> prop_to_struct(:xml, Xml)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(%{"type" => "array"} = map, Schema) do
+ map
+ |> prepare_schema()
+ |> (&struct_from_map(Schema, &1)).()
+ |> prop_to_struct(:items, Schema)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:xml, Xml)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(%{"type" => "object"} = map, Schema) do
+ map
+ |> Map.update!("properties", fn v ->
+ v
+ |> {k, v} ->
+ {String.to_atom(k), v}
+ end)
+ end)
+ |> prepare_schema()
+ |> (&struct_from_map(Schema, &1)).()
+ |> prop_to_struct(:properties, Schemas)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:externalDocs, ExternalDocumentation)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(%{"anyOf" => _valid_schemas} = map, Schema) do
+ Schema
+ |> struct_from_map(map)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:anyOf, Schemas)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:discriminator, Discriminator)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(%{"oneOf" => _valid_schemas} = map, Schema) do
+ Schema
+ |> struct_from_map(map)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:oneOf, Schemas)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:discriminator, Discriminator)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(%{"allOf" => _valid_schemas} = map, Schema) do
+ Schema
+ |> struct_from_map(map)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:allOf, Schemas)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:discriminator, Discriminator)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(%{"not" => _valid_schemas} = map, Schema) do
+ Schema
+ |> struct_from_map(map)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:not, Schemas)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(map, Schemas) when is_map(map), do: embedded_ref_or_struct(map, Schema)
+ defp to_struct(list, Schemas) when is_list(list), do: embedded_ref_or_struct(list, Schema)
+ defp to_struct(map, OAuthFlow) do
+ struct_from_map(OAuthFlow, map)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(map, Callback) do
+ map
+ |> {k, v} ->
+ {k, to_struct(v, PathItem)}
+ end)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(map_or_list, Callbacks), do: embedded_ref_or_struct(map_or_list, Callback)
+ defp to_struct(map, Operation) do
+ Operation
+ |> struct_from_map(map)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:tags, Tag)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:externalDocs, ExternalDocumentation)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:responses, Responses)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:parameters, Parameters)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:requestBody, RequestBody)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:callbacks, Callbacks)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:servers, Server)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(map, RequestBody) do
+ RequestBody
+ |> struct_from_map(map)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:content, Content)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(map, RequestBodies), do: embedded_ref_or_struct(map, RequestBody)
+ defp to_struct(map, Parameter) do
+ map
+ |> convert_value_to_atom_if_present("name")
+ |> convert_value_to_atom_if_present("in")
+ |> convert_value_to_atom_if_present("style")
+ |> (&struct_from_map(Parameter, &1)).()
+ |> prop_to_struct(:examples, Examples)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:content, Content)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:schema, Schema)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(map_or_list, Parameters), do: embedded_ref_or_struct(map_or_list, Parameter)
+ defp to_struct(map, ServerVariable) do
+ struct_from_map(ServerVariable, map)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(map, ServerVariables) do
+ map
+ |> {k, v} ->
+ {k, to_struct(v, ServerVariable)}
+ end)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(map, Server) do
+ Server
+ |> struct_from_map(map)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:variables, ServerVariables)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(list, Servers) when is_list(list) do
+, &to_struct(&1, Server))
+ end
+ defp to_struct(map, Response) do
+ Response
+ |> struct_from_map(map)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:headers, Headers)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:content, Content)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:links, Links)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(map, Responses), do: embedded_ref_or_struct(map, Response)
+ defp to_struct(map, MediaType) do
+ MediaType
+ |> struct_from_map(map)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:examples, Examples)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:encoding, Encoding)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:schema, Schema)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(map, Content) do
+ map
+ |> {k, v} ->
+ {k, to_struct(v, MediaType)}
+ end)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(map, Encoding) do
+ map
+ |> {k, v} ->
+ {k,
+ Encoding
+ |> struct_from_map(v)
+ |> convert_value_to_atom_if_present(:style)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:headers, Headers)}
+ end)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(map, Example), do: struct_from_map(Example, map)
+ defp to_struct(map_or_list, Examples), do: embedded_ref_or_struct(map_or_list, Example)
+ defp to_struct(map, Header) do
+ Header
+ |> struct_from_map(map)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:schema, Schema)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(map, Headers), do: embedded_ref_or_struct(map, Header)
+ defp to_struct(map, PathItem) do
+ PathItem
+ |> struct_from_map(map)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:delete, Operation)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:get, Operation)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:head, Operation)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:options, Operation)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:patch, Operation)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:post, Operation)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:put, Operation)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:trace, Operation)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:parameters, Parameters)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:servers, Servers)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(map, PathItems) do
+ map
+ |> {k, v} ->
+ {k, to_struct(v, PathItem)}
+ end)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(map, Info) do
+ Info
+ |> struct_from_map(map)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:contact, Contact)
+ |> prop_to_struct(:license, License)
+ end
+ defp to_struct(list, mod) when is_list(list) and is_atom(mod),
+ do:, &to_struct(&1, mod))
+ defp to_struct(map, module) when is_map(map) and is_atom(module),
+ do: struct_from_map(module, map)
+ defp prop_to_struct(map, key, mod) when is_map(map) and is_atom(key) and is_atom(mod) do
+ Map.update!(map, key, fn v ->
+ to_struct(v, mod)
+ end)
+ end
diff --git a/test/open_api/decode_test.exs b/test/open_api/decode_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2d1d0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/open_api/decode_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+defmodule OpenApiSpex.OpenApi.DecodeTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case
+ use Plug.Test
+ alias OpenApiSpex.OpenApi
+ describe "OpenApiSpex.OpenApi.Decode.decode/1" do
+ test "OpenApi" do
+ # NOTE: This test could be split into many smaller tests, that is the goal!
+ # TODO: Move the spec to a setup below, where we could easily try a yaml version also
+ spec =
+ "./test/support/encoded_schema.json"
+ |>!()
+ |> Jason.decode!()
+ |> OpenApiSpex.OpenApi.Decode.decode()
+ assert %OpenApi{
+ openapi: openapi,
+ info: info,
+ servers: servers,
+ paths: paths,
+ components: components,
+ security: security,
+ tags: tags,
+ externalDocs: externalDocs,
+ extensions: extensions
+ } = spec
+ assert "3.0.0" == openapi
+ assert %OpenApiSpex.Info{
+ title: _title,
+ version: _version,
+ description: _description,
+ contact: contact,
+ license: license
+ } = info
+ assert %OpenApiSpex.Contact{} = contact
+ assert %OpenApiSpex.License{} = license
+ assert nil == extensions
+ assert %OpenApiSpex.ExternalDocumentation{
+ description: _,
+ url: _
+ } = externalDocs
+ assert %OpenApiSpex.Components{
+ callbacks: callbacks,
+ schemas: schemas,
+ responses: responses,
+ examples: examples,
+ links: %{
+ "address" => link
+ },
+ requestBodies: requestBodies,
+ parameters: %{
+ "AcceptEncodingHeader" => components_parameters_parameter
+ },
+ securitySchemes: securitySchemes,
+ headers: %{
+ "api-version" => components_headers_header
+ }
+ } = components
+ assert %{
+ "test" => %OpenApiSpex.RequestBody{
+ description: "user to add to the system",
+ content: %{
+ "application/json" => media_type
+ },
+ required: false
+ }
+ } = requestBodies
+ assert %OpenApiSpex.MediaType{
+ schema: %OpenApiSpex.Reference{
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/User"
+ },
+ examples: %{
+ "user" => %OpenApiSpex.Example{
+ externalValue: "",
+ summary: "User Example",
+ value: nil,
+ description: nil
+ }
+ },
+ encoding: %{
+ "historyMetadata" => %OpenApiSpex.Encoding{
+ contentType: "application/xml; charset=utf-8",
+ style: :form,
+ explode: false,
+ allowReserved: false,
+ headers: %{
+ "X-Rate-Limit-Limit" => %OpenApiSpex.Header{
+ description: "The number of allowed requests in the current period",
+ schema: %OpenApiSpex.Schema{
+ type: :integer
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ example: nil
+ } = media_type
+ assert %{
+ "componentCallback" => componentCallback
+ } = callbacks
+ assert %{
+ "{$request.body#/id}" => %OpenApiSpex.PathItem{}
+ } = componentCallback
+ assert %{
+ "NotFound" => %OpenApiSpex.Response{
+ headers: %{
+ "X-Rate-Limit-Limit" => %OpenApiSpex.Header{
+ description: "The number of allowed requests in the current period",
+ schema: %OpenApiSpex.Schema{
+ type: :integer
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ content: %{
+ "application/json" => %OpenApiSpex.MediaType{
+ schema: %OpenApiSpex.Schema{
+ type: :string,
+ maxLength: 10
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ links: %{
+ "test" => %OpenApiSpex.Link{
+ operationId: "response-link-test"
+ }
+ },
+ description: "Entity not found."
+ }
+ } == responses
+ assert %{
+ "foo" => %OpenApiSpex.Example{}
+ } = examples
+ assert %OpenApiSpex.Parameter{
+ description: nil,
+ name: :"accept-encoding",
+ in: :header,
+ required: false,
+ allowEmptyValue: true,
+ schema: %OpenApiSpex.Schema{
+ example: "gzip",
+ type: :string
+ }
+ } == components_parameters_parameter
+ assert %{"User" => user_schema, "Admin" => admin_schema} = schemas
+ assert %OpenApiSpex.Schema{
+ allOf: [
+ %OpenApiSpex.Reference{
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/User"
+ },
+ %OpenApiSpex.Reference{
+ "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpecialUser"
+ }
+ ],
+ discriminator: %OpenApiSpex.Discriminator{
+ propertyName: "userType"
+ }
+ } == admin_schema
+ assert %OpenApiSpex.Schema{
+ nullable: false,
+ readOnly: false,
+ writeOnly: false,
+ deprecated: false,
+ example: %{},
+ externalDocs: %OpenApiSpex.ExternalDocumentation{
+ description: "Find more info here",
+ url: ""
+ },
+ properties: %{
+ first_name: %OpenApiSpex.Schema{
+ xml: %OpenApiSpex.Xml{
+ namespace: "",
+ prefix: "sample"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } = user_schema
+ assert %OpenApiSpex.Link{
+ description: nil,
+ operationRef: nil,
+ operationId: "test",
+ requestBody: %OpenApiSpex.RequestBody{
+ description: "link payload",
+ content: %{
+ "application/json" => %OpenApiSpex.MediaType{
+ schema: %OpenApiSpex.Schema{}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ parameters: %{
+ "ContentTypeHeader" => %OpenApiSpex.Reference{
+ "$ref": "#/components/parameters/ContentTypeHeader"
+ }
+ },
+ server: %OpenApiSpex.Server{
+ description: "Development server",
+ url: "",
+ variables: %{}
+ }
+ } == link
+ assert %{
+ "api_key" => api_key_security_scheme,
+ "petstore_auth" => petstore_auth_security_scheme
+ } = securitySchemes
+ assert %OpenApiSpex.SecurityScheme{
+ flows: oauth_flows
+ } = petstore_auth_security_scheme
+ assert %OpenApiSpex.OAuthFlows{
+ implicit: oauth_flow
+ } = oauth_flows
+ assert %OpenApiSpex.OAuthFlow{
+ authorizationUrl: "",
+ tokenUrl: nil,
+ refreshUrl: nil,
+ scopes: %{
+ "read:pets" => "read your pets",
+ "write:pets" => "modify pets in your account"
+ }
+ } = oauth_flow
+ assert %OpenApiSpex.Header{
+ description: "The version of the api to be used",
+ schema: %OpenApiSpex.Schema{
+ type: :string,
+ enum: ["beta"]
+ }
+ } == components_headers_header
+ assert [server] = servers
+ assert %OpenApiSpex.Server{
+ description: "Development server",
+ url: "",
+ variables: serverVariables
+ } = server
+ assert %{
+ "username" => %OpenApiSpex.ServerVariable{
+ default: "demo",
+ description:
+ "this value is assigned by the service provider, in this example ``",
+ enum: nil
+ }
+ } = serverVariables
+ assert [tag] = tags
+ assert %OpenApiSpex.Tag{
+ description: "Pets operations",
+ externalDocs: %OpenApiSpex.ExternalDocumentation{
+ description: "Find more info here",
+ url: ""
+ },
+ name: "pet"
+ } == tag
+ assert [
+ %{
+ "petstore_auth" => ["write:pets", "read:pets"]
+ }
+ ] == security
+ assert %{
+ "/example" => %OpenApiSpex.PathItem{
+ summary: "/example summary",
+ description: "/example description",
+ servers: [%OpenApiSpex.Server{}],
+ parameters: [
+ %OpenApiSpex.Reference{
+ "$ref": "#/components/parameters/ContentTypeHeader"
+ }
+ ],
+ post: %OpenApiSpex.Operation{
+ parameters: [
+ %OpenApiSpex.Reference{},
+ %OpenApiSpex.Reference{},
+ %OpenApiSpex.Parameter{}
+ ],
+ deprecated: false,
+ operationId: "example-post-test",
+ requestBody: requestBody,
+ callbacks: operationCallbacks,
+ responses: operationResponses,
+ security: operationSecurity,
+ tags: ["test"],
+ summary: "/example post summary",
+ description: "/example post description",
+ externalDocs: %OpenApiSpex.ExternalDocumentation{
+ description: "Find more info here",
+ url: ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } = paths
+ assert [
+ %{
+ "petstore_auth" => ["write:pets"]
+ }
+ ] == operationSecurity
+ assert %{
+ "200" => %OpenApiSpex.Response{}
+ } = operationResponses
+ assert %{
+ "operationCallback" => %{
+ "{$request.body#/id}" =>
+ %OpenApiSpex.PathItem{}
+ }
+ } = operationCallbacks
+ assert %OpenApiSpex.Schema{
+ properties: properties
+ } =
+ get_in(
+ requestBody,
+ [:content, "application/json", :schema]
+ |>
+ )
+ passengers =
+ get_in(
+ properties,
+ [:data, :properties, :passengers]
+ |>
+ )
+ assert %OpenApiSpex.Schema{} = passengers
+ assert %OpenApiSpex.Schema{
+ type: :string,
+ enum: ["adult", "child"]
+ } =
+ get_in(
+ passengers,
+ [:items, :properties, :type]
+ |>
+ )
+ test_conn =
+ conn(:post, "/example?myParam=1", %{
+ "data" => %{
+ "first_name" => "Bob",
+ "given_name" => "Builder",
+ "phone_number" => "+441111111111"
+ }
+ })
+ |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json")
+ |> put_req_header("accept-encoding", "gzip")
+ test_conn = fetch_query_params(test_conn)
+ assert {:ok, validation_result} =
+ OpenApiSpex.cast_and_validate(
+ spec,
+ spec.paths["/example"].post,
+ test_conn,
+ "application/json"
+ )
+ end
+ end
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