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diff --git a/lib/tesla/adapter/mint.ex b/lib/tesla/adapter/mint.ex
index 83cc6de..44ce4fb 100644
--- a/lib/tesla/adapter/mint.ex
+++ b/lib/tesla/adapter/mint.ex
@@ -1,190 +1,192 @@
-defmodule Tesla.Adapter.Mint do
- @moduledoc """
- Adapter for [mint](
+if Code.ensure_loaded?(Mint.HTTP) do
+ defmodule Tesla.Adapter.Mint do
+ @moduledoc """
+ Adapter for [mint](
- Caution: The minimum supported Elixir version for mint is 1.5.0
+ Caution: The minimum supported Elixir version for mint is 1.5.0
- Remember to add `{:mint, "~> 0.2.0"}` and `{:castore, "~> 0.1.0"}` to dependencies
- Also, you need to recompile tesla after adding `:mint` dependency:
+ Remember to add `{:mint, "~> 0.2.0"}` and `{:castore, "~> 0.1.0"}` to dependencies
+ Also, you need to recompile tesla after adding `:mint` dependency:
- ```
- mix deps.clean tesla
- mix deps.compile tesla
- ```
+ ```
+ mix deps.clean tesla
+ mix deps.compile tesla
+ ```
- ### Example usage
- ```
- # set globally in config/config.exs
- config :tesla, :adapter, Tesla.Adapter.Mint
+ ### Example usage
+ ```
+ # set globally in config/config.exs
+ config :tesla, :adapter, Tesla.Adapter.Mint
- # set per module
- defmodule MyClient do
- use Tesla
+ # set per module
+ defmodule MyClient do
+ use Tesla
- adapter Tesla.Adapter.Mint
- end
+ adapter Tesla.Adapter.Mint
+ end
- # set global custom cacert
- config :tesla, Tesla.Adapter.Mint, cacert: ["path_to_cacert"]
- """
- @behaviour Tesla.Adapter
- import Tesla.Adapter.Shared, only: [stream_to_fun: 1, next_chunk: 1]
- alias Tesla.Multipart
- alias Mint.HTTP
+ # set global custom cacert
+ config :tesla, Tesla.Adapter.Mint, cacert: ["path_to_cacert"]
+ """
+ @behaviour Tesla.Adapter
+ import Tesla.Adapter.Shared, only: [stream_to_fun: 1, next_chunk: 1]
+ alias Tesla.Multipart
+ alias Mint.HTTP
- @default adapter: [timeout: 2_000]
+ @default adapter: [timeout: 2_000]
- @doc false
- def call(env, opts) do
- opts = Tesla.Adapter.opts(@default, env, opts)
+ @doc false
+ def call(env, opts) do
+ opts = Tesla.Adapter.opts(@default, env, opts)
- with {:ok, status, headers, body} <- request(env, opts) do
- {:ok, %{env | status: status, headers: headers, body: body}}
+ with {:ok, status, headers, body} <- request(env, opts) do
+ {:ok, %{env | status: status, headers: headers, body: body}}
+ end
- end
- defp request(env, opts) do
- # Break the URI
- %URI{host: host, scheme: scheme, port: port, path: path, query: query} = URI.parse(env.url)
- query = (query || "") |> URI.decode_query() |> Map.to_list()
- path = Tesla.build_url(path, env.query ++ query)
- method = env.method |> Atom.to_string() |> String.upcase()
- # Set the global cacert file
- opts =
- if scheme == "https" && !is_nil(get_global_default_ca()) do
- transport_opts = Access.get(opts, :transport_opts, [])
- transport_opts =
- Keyword.put(
- transport_opts,
- :cacertfile,
- Keyword.get(transport_opts, :cacertfile, []) ++ get_global_default_ca()
- )
+ defp request(env, opts) do
+ # Break the URI
+ %URI{host: host, scheme: scheme, port: port, path: path, query: query} = URI.parse(env.url)
+ query = (query || "") |> URI.decode_query() |> Map.to_list()
+ path = Tesla.build_url(path, env.query ++ query)
+ method = env.method |> Atom.to_string() |> String.upcase()
+ # Set the global cacert file
+ opts =
+ if scheme == "https" && !is_nil(get_global_default_ca()) do
+ transport_opts = Access.get(opts, :transport_opts, [])
+ transport_opts =
+ Keyword.put(
+ transport_opts,
+ :cacertfile,
+ Keyword.get(transport_opts, :cacertfile, []) ++ get_global_default_ca()
+ )
+ Keyword.put(opts, :transport_opts, transport_opts)
+ else
+ opts
+ end
- Keyword.put(opts, :transport_opts, transport_opts)
- else
+ request(
+ method,
+ scheme,
+ host,
+ port,
+ path,
+ env.headers,
+ env.body,
- end
- request(
- method,
- scheme,
- host,
- port,
- path,
- env.headers,
- env.body,
- opts
- )
- end
+ )
+ end
- defp request(method, scheme, host, port, path, headers, %Stream{} = body, opts) do
- fun = stream_to_fun(body)
- request(method, scheme, host, port, path, headers, fun, opts)
- end
+ defp request(method, scheme, host, port, path, headers, %Stream{} = body, opts) do
+ fun = stream_to_fun(body)
+ request(method, scheme, host, port, path, headers, fun, opts)
+ end
- defp request(method, scheme, host, port, path, headers, %Multipart{} = body, opts) do
- headers = headers ++ Multipart.headers(body)
- fun = stream_to_fun(Multipart.body(body))
- request(method, scheme, host, port, path, headers, fun, opts)
- end
+ defp request(method, scheme, host, port, path, headers, %Multipart{} = body, opts) do
+ headers = headers ++ Multipart.headers(body)
+ fun = stream_to_fun(Multipart.body(body))
+ request(method, scheme, host, port, path, headers, fun, opts)
+ end
- defp request(method, scheme, host, port, path, headers, body, opts) when is_function(body) do
- with {:ok, conn} <- HTTP.connect(String.to_atom(scheme), host, port, opts),
- # FIXME Stream function in Mint will not append the content length after eof
- # This will trigger the failure in unit test
- {:ok, body, length} <- stream_request(body),
- {:ok, conn, _req_ref} <-
- HTTP.request(
- conn,
- method,
- path || "/",
- headers ++ [{"content-length", "#{length}"}],
- body
- ),
- {:ok, conn, res = %{status: status, headers: headers}} <- stream_response(conn, opts),
- {:ok, _conn} <- HTTP.close(conn) do
- {:ok, status, headers, Map.get(res, :data)}
+ defp request(method, scheme, host, port, path, headers, body, opts) when is_function(body) do
+ with {:ok, conn} <- HTTP.connect(String.to_atom(scheme), host, port, opts),
+ # FIXME Stream function in Mint will not append the content length after eof
+ # This will trigger the failure in unit test
+ {:ok, body, length} <- stream_request(body),
+ {:ok, conn, _req_ref} <-
+ HTTP.request(
+ conn,
+ method,
+ path || "/",
+ headers ++ [{"content-length", "#{length}"}],
+ body
+ ),
+ {:ok, conn, res = %{status: status, headers: headers}} <- stream_response(conn, opts),
+ {:ok, _conn} <- HTTP.close(conn) do
+ {:ok, status, headers, Map.get(res, :data)}
+ end
- end
- defp request(method, scheme, host, port, path, headers, body, opts) do
- with {:ok, conn} <- HTTP.connect(String.to_atom(scheme), host, port, opts),
- {:ok, conn, _req_ref} <- HTTP.request(conn, method, path || "/", headers, body),
- {:ok, conn, res = %{status: status, headers: headers}} <- stream_response(conn, opts),
- {:ok, _conn} <- HTTP.close(conn) do
- {:ok, status, headers, Map.get(res, :data)}
+ defp request(method, scheme, host, port, path, headers, body, opts) do
+ with {:ok, conn} <- HTTP.connect(String.to_atom(scheme), host, port, opts),
+ {:ok, conn, _req_ref} <- HTTP.request(conn, method, path || "/", headers, body),
+ {:ok, conn, res = %{status: status, headers: headers}} <- stream_response(conn, opts),
+ {:ok, _conn} <- HTTP.close(conn) do
+ {:ok, status, headers, Map.get(res, :data)}
+ end
- end
- defp get_global_default_ca() do
- case Application.get_env(:tesla, Tesla.Adapter.Mint) do
- nil -> nil
- env -> Keyword.get(env, :cacert)
+ defp get_global_default_ca() do
+ case Application.get_env(:tesla, Tesla.Adapter.Mint) do
+ nil -> nil
+ env -> Keyword.get(env, :cacert)
+ end
- end
- defp stream_request(fun, body \\ "") do
- case next_chunk(fun) do
- {:ok, item, fun} when is_list(item) ->
- stream_request(fun, body <> List.to_string(item))
+ defp stream_request(fun, body \\ "") do
+ case next_chunk(fun) do
+ {:ok, item, fun} when is_list(item) ->
+ stream_request(fun, body <> List.to_string(item))
- {:ok, item, fun} ->
- stream_request(fun, body <> item)
+ {:ok, item, fun} ->
+ stream_request(fun, body <> item)
- :eof ->
- {:ok, body, byte_size(body)}
+ :eof ->
+ {:ok, body, byte_size(body)}
+ end
- end
- defp stream_response(conn, opts, response \\ %{}) do
- receive do
- msg ->
- case, msg) do
- {:ok, conn, stream} ->
- response =
- Enum.reduce(stream, response, fn
- {:status, _req_ref, code}, acc ->
- Map.put(acc, :status, code)
+ defp stream_response(conn, opts, response \\ %{}) do
+ receive do
+ msg ->
+ case, msg) do
+ {:ok, conn, stream} ->
+ response =
+ Enum.reduce(stream, response, fn
+ {:status, _req_ref, code}, acc ->
+ Map.put(acc, :status, code)
- {:headers, _req_ref, headers}, acc ->
- Map.put(acc, :headers, Map.get(acc, :headers, []) ++ headers)
+ {:headers, _req_ref, headers}, acc ->
+ Map.put(acc, :headers, Map.get(acc, :headers, []) ++ headers)
- {:data, _req_ref, data}, acc ->
- Map.put(acc, :data, Map.get(acc, :data, "") <> data)
+ {:data, _req_ref, data}, acc ->
+ Map.put(acc, :data, Map.get(acc, :data, "") <> data)
- {:done, _req_ref}, acc ->
- Map.put(acc, :done, true)
+ {:done, _req_ref}, acc ->
+ Map.put(acc, :done, true)
- {:error, _req_ref, reason}, acc ->
- Map.put(acc, :error, reason)
+ {:error, _req_ref, reason}, acc ->
+ Map.put(acc, :error, reason)
- _, acc ->
- acc
- end)
+ _, acc ->
+ acc
+ end)
- cond do
- Map.has_key?(response, :error) ->
- {:error, Map.get(response, :error)}
+ cond do
+ Map.has_key?(response, :error) ->
+ {:error, Map.get(response, :error)}
- Map.has_key?(response, :done) ->
- {:ok, conn, Map.drop(response, [:done])}
+ Map.has_key?(response, :done) ->
+ {:ok, conn, Map.drop(response, [:done])}
- true ->
- stream_response(conn, opts, response)
- end
+ true ->
+ stream_response(conn, opts, response)
+ end
- {:error, _conn, error, _res} ->
- {:error, "Encounter Mint error #{inspect(error)}"}
+ {:error, _conn, error, _res} ->
+ {:error, "Encounter Mint error #{inspect(error)}"}
- :unknown ->
- {:error, "Encounter unknown error"}
- end
- after
- opts |> Keyword.get(:adapter) |> Keyword.get(:timeout) ->
- {:error, "Response timeout"}
+ :unknown ->
+ {:error, "Encounter unknown error"}
+ end
+ after
+ opts |> Keyword.get(:adapter) |> Keyword.get(:timeout) ->
+ {:error, "Response timeout"}
+ end
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Tue, Nov 26, 5:38 AM (1 d, 11 h)
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