All methods can take a middleware function as the first parameter.
This allow to use convenient syntax for modifying the behaviour in runtime.
Consider the following case: GitHub API can be accessed using OAuth token authorization.
We can't use `plug Tesla.Middleware.Headers, %{"Authorization" => "token here"}` since this would be compiled only once and there is no way to insert dynamic user token.
Instead, we can use `Tesla.build_client` to create a dynamic middleware function:
defmodule GitHub do
- # same as above
+ # same as above with a slightly change to `user_repos/1`
There is no distinction between request and response middleware, it's all about executing `` function at the correct time.
For example, z request logger middleware could be implemented like this:
defmodule Tesla.Middleware.RequestLogger do
def call(env, next, _) do
IO.inspect env # print request env, next)
and response logger middleware like this:
defmodule Tesla.Middleware.ResponseLogger do
def call(env, next, _) do
res =, next)
IO.inspect res # print response env
See [`core.ex`]( and [`json.ex`]( for more examples.
## Streaming body
If adapter supports it, you can pass a [Stream]( as body, e.g.: