"content":"<span class=\"h-card\"><a class=\"u-url mention\" data-user=\"9v5bmRalQvjOy0ECcC\" href=\"https://gleasonator.com/users/alex\" rel=\"ugc\">@<span>alex</span></a></span> Any idea why my posts are failing? I sent an Accept/Follow from <a href=\"http://macgirvin.com\" rel=\"ugc\">macgirvin.com</a> at 2022-02-02T04:06:01Z and it vanished into space. As do all my comments to you. <br><br>2022-02-02T04:06:01Z:LOG_INFO:d5c4aa7f6a:Queue.php:435:deliver: deliver: queue post returned 200 from <a href=\"https://gleasonator.com/users/macgirvin/inbox\" rel=\"ugc\">https://gleasonator.com/users/macgirvin/inbox</a><br><br>It's OK if I'm blocked, but if that's the case, I shouldn't be able to send a follow to that address should I?",
"source":"@alex Any idea why my posts are failing? I sent an Accept/Follow from macgirvin.com at 2022-02-02T04:06:01Z and it vanished into space. As do all my comments to you. \n\n2022-02-02T04:06:01Z:LOG_INFO:d5c4aa7f6a:Queue.php:435:deliver: deliver: queue post returned 200 from https://gleasonator.com/users/macgirvin/inbox\n\nIt's OK if I'm blocked, but if that's the case, I shouldn't be able to send a follow to that address should I?",