iex> input_stream =, fn num -> "#{num} " end)
iex>!(~w(cat), input: input_stream)
...> |> Enum.into("")
"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "
Run a command with input as infinite stream
# create infinite stream
iex> input_stream = Stream.repeatedly(fn -> "A" end)
iex> binary =
...>!(~w(cat), input: input_stream, ignore_epipe: true) # we need to ignore epipe since we are terminating the program before the input completes
...> |> Stream.take(2) # we must limit since the input stream is infinite
...> |> Enum.into("")
iex> is_binary(binary)
iex> "AAAAA" <> _ = binary
Run a command with input Collectable
# Exile calls the callback with a sink where the process can push the data
iex>!(~w(cat), input: fn sink ->
...>, fn num -> "#{num} " end)
...> |> Stream.into(sink) # push to the external process
...> |>
...> end)
...> |> Stream.take(100) # we must limit since the input stream is infinite
...> |> Enum.into("")
"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "
When the command wait for the input stream to close
# base64 command wait for the input to close and writes data to stdout at once
iex>!(~w(base64), input: ["abcdef"])
...> |> Enum.into("")
- When the command exit with an error
+ `stream!/2` raises non-zero exit as error
- iex>!(["sh", "-c", "exit 4"])
- ...> |> Enum.into("")
- ** (Exile.Process.Error) command exited with status: 4