action-settings-shortcut-conflict = The shortcut { $shortcut } has conflicts with other actions. <br>If you continue, the shortcuts for other actions will be cleared. <br><br>Conflicting actions: <br>{ $conflictingAction }
login-page-discover-failed-prompt = Unable to detect the server this user is on, or the server is unavailable. Error code: { $errorCode }. Error message: { $errorMsg }.
session-load-failure-not-found = The session { $sessionName } is not found.
session-load-failure-format-unknown = The session { $sessionName } contains an unsupported format. Is it saved using a future version of { -kt-app-name }?
session-load-failure-cannot-backup = Cannot make a backup of the session { $sessionName }.
session-load-failure-lock-failed = The session { $sessionName } is being used by another program.
session-load-failure-cannot-open-file = Unable to open the store file for the session { $sessionName }.
session-load-failure-deserialize-failed = The session { $sessionName } cannot be opened. Is it corrupted or saved using a future version of { -kt-app-name }?