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* This file is part of libkazv.
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2021 Tusooa Zhu <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include <libkazv-config.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <immer/map.hpp>
#include <immer/flex_vector.hpp>
#include <maybe.hpp>
#include "crypto-util.hpp"
#include "time-util.hpp"
namespace Kazv
class Session;
struct MegOlmSessionRotateDesc
/// The time limit of the megolm session, in milliseconds.
Timestamp ms{};
/// The message limit of the megolm session.
int messages{};
struct CryptoPrivate;
class Crypto
* Construct an invalid Crypto.
explicit Crypto();
* @return The size of random data needed to construct a Crypto.
static std::size_t constructRandomSize();
* Constructs a Crypto using user-provided random data.
* @param data Random data of size at least `constructRandomSize()`.
Crypto(RandomTag, RandomData data);
Crypto(const Crypto &that);
Crypto(Crypto &&that);
Crypto &operator=(const Crypto &that);
Crypto &operator=(Crypto &&that);
* @return whether this Crypto is valid.
bool valid() const;
std::string ed25519IdentityKey();
std::string curve25519IdentityKey();
std::string sign(nlohmann::json j);
void setUploadedOneTimeKeysCount(immer::map<std::string /* algorithm */, int> uploadedOneTimeKeysCount);
int uploadedOneTimeKeysCount(std::string algorithm) const;
std::size_t maxNumberOfOneTimeKeys() const;
* Get the size of random data needed to generate `num`
* one-time keys.
* @param num The number of one-time keys to generate.
* @return The size of random data needed to generate
* `num` one-time keys.
static std::size_t genOneTimeKeysRandomSize(int num);
* Generate `num` one-time keys with user-provided random data.
* @param random The random data. Must be of at least size
* `genOneTimeKeysRandomSize(num)`.
* @param num The number of one-time keys to generate.
void genOneTimeKeysWithRandom(RandomData random, int num);
* According to olm.h, this returns an object like
* {
* curve25519: {
* "AAAAAA": "wo76WcYtb0Vk/pBOdmduiGJ0wIEjW4IBMbbQn7aSnTo",
* "AAAAAB": "LRvjo46L1X2vx69sS9QNFD29HWulxrmW11Up5AfAjgU"
* }
* }
nlohmann::json unpublishedOneTimeKeys();
int numUnpublishedOneTimeKeys() const;
void markOneTimeKeysAsPublished();
/// Returns decrypted message if we can decrypt it
/// otherwise returns the error
MaybeString decrypt(nlohmann::json eventJson);
* @return The size of random data needed to encrypt a message
* for the session identified with `theirCurve25519IdentityKey`.
std::size_t encryptOlmRandomSize(std::string theirCurve25519IdentityKey) const;
* @return The maximum size of random data needed to encrypt a message
* for the session identified with `theirCurve25519IdentityKey`.
static std::size_t encryptOlmMaxRandomSize();
* Encrypt `eventJson` with olm, for the recipient identified with `theirCurve25519IdentityKey`.
* @param random The random data to use for encryption. Must be of
* at least size `encryptOlmRandomSize(theirCurve25519IdentityKey)`.
* @param eventJson The event json to encrypt.
* @param theirCurve25519IdentityKey The curve25519 identity key of the recipient.
* @return A json object that looks like
* ```
* {
* "<their identity key>": {
* "type": <number>,
* "body": "<body>"
* }
* }
* ```
nlohmann::json encryptOlmWithRandom(
RandomData random, nlohmann::json eventJson, std::string theirCurve25519IdentityKey);
/// returns the content template with everything but deviceId
/// eventJson should contain type, room_id and content
nlohmann::json encryptMegOlm(nlohmann::json eventJson);
bool createInboundGroupSession(KeyOfGroupSession k, std::string sessionKey, std::string ed25519Key);
std::string outboundGroupSessionInitialKey(std::string roomId);
std::string outboundGroupSessionCurrentKey(std::string roomId);
/// Check whether the signature of userId/deviceId is valid in object
bool verify(nlohmann::json object, std::string userId, std::string deviceId, std::string ed25519Key);
MaybeString getInboundGroupSessionEd25519KeyFromEvent(const nlohmann::json &eventJson) const;
* @return The size of random data needed for `rotateMegOlmSessionWithRandom()`
* and `rotateMegOlmSessionWithRandomIfNeeded()`.
static std::size_t rotateMegOlmSessionRandomSize();
* Rotate the megolm session using user-provided random data.
* @param random The random data. Must be of at least size
* `rotateMegOlmSessionRandomSize()`.
* @param timeMs The creation time of the new megolm session.
* @param roomId The room id of the megolm session to rotate.
* @return The new session key.
std::string rotateMegOlmSessionWithRandom(RandomData random, Timestamp timeMs, std::string roomId);
* Rotate the megolm session using user-provided random data,
* if we need to rotate it.
* The session will be rotated if and only if
* - The difference between `timeMs` and the creation time of
* the megolm session has reached the time limit in `desc`, OR;
* - The number of messages this megolm session has encrypted has
* reached the message limit in `desc`.
* @param random The random data. Must be of at least size
* `rotateMegOlmSessionRandomSize()`.
* @param timeMs The timestamp to judge whether the session
* has reached its time limit. If the megolm session is rotated,
* this will also be the creation time of the new megolm session.
* @param roomId The room id of the megolm session to rotate.
* @param desc The rotation specification of this room.
* @return The session key if the session is rotated,
* `std::nullopt` otherwise.
std::optional<std::string> rotateMegOlmSessionWithRandomIfNeeded(
RandomData random,
Timestamp timeMs,
std::string roomId,
MegOlmSessionRotateDesc desc);
using UserIdToDeviceIdMap = immer::map<std::string, immer::flex_vector<std::string>>;
UserIdToDeviceIdMap devicesMissingOutboundSessionKey(
immer::map<std::string, immer::map<std::string /* deviceId */,
std::string /* curve25519IdentityKey */>> keyMap) const;
* @return The size of random data needed for `createOutboundSessionWithRandom()`.
static std::size_t createOutboundSessionRandomSize();
* Create an outbound session using user-provided random data.
* @param random The random data to use. It must be at least of
* size `createOutboundSessionRandomSize()`.
* @param theirIdeneityKey The identity key of the recipient.
* @param theirOneTimeKey The one-time key of the recipient.
void createOutboundSessionWithRandom(
RandomData random,
std::string theirIdentityKey,
std::string theirOneTimeKey);
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar, const unsigned int /* version */) const {
ar << toJson().dump();
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive &ar, const unsigned int /* version */) {
std::string j;
ar >> j;
nlohmann::json toJson() const;
void loadJson(const nlohmann::json &j);
friend class Session;
friend class SessionPrivate;
std::unique_ptr<CryptoPrivate> m_d;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Nov 23, 8:55 PM (1 d, 3 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
crypto.hpp (8 KB)

Event Timeline