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diff --git a/lib/open_api_spex/schema.ex b/lib/open_api_spex/schema.ex
index ab98e19..13bbced 100644
--- a/lib/open_api_spex/schema.ex
+++ b/lib/open_api_spex/schema.ex
@@ -1,385 +1,388 @@
defmodule OpenApiSpex.Schema do
@moduledoc """
Defines the `OpenApiSpex.Schema.t` type and operations for casting and validating against a schema.
alias OpenApiSpex.{
Schema, Reference, Discriminator, Xml, ExternalDocumentation
@doc """
A module implementing the `OpenApiSpex.Schema` behaviour should export a `schema/0` function
that produces an `OpenApiSpex.Schema` struct.
@callback schema() :: t
defstruct [
{:additionalProperties, true},
@typedoc """
[Schema Object](
The Schema Object allows the definition of input and output data types.
These types can be objects, but also primitives and arrays.
This object is an extended subset of the JSON Schema Specification Wright Draft 00.
## Example
alias OpenApiSpex.Schema
title: "User",
type: :object,
properties: %{
id: %Schema{type: :integer, minimum: 1},
name: %Schema{type: :string, pattern: "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+"},
email: %Scheam{type: :string, format: :email},
last_login: %Schema{type: :string, format: :"date-time"}
required: [:name, :email],
example: %{
"name" => "joe",
"email" => ""
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
title: String.t,
multipleOf: number | nil,
maximum: number | nil,
exclusiveMaximum: boolean | nil,
minimum: number | nil,
exclusiveMinimum: boolean | nil,
maxLength: integer | nil,
minLength: integer | nil,
pattern: String.t | Regex.t | nil,
maxItems: integer | nil,
minItems: integer | nil,
uniqueItems: boolean | nil,
maxProperties: integer | nil,
minProperties: integer | nil,
required: [String.t] | nil,
enum: [String.t] | nil,
type: atom,
allOf: [Schema.t | Reference.t] | nil,
oneOf: [Schema.t | Reference.t] | nil,
anyOf: [Schema.t | Reference.t] | nil,
not: Schema.t | Reference.t | nil,
items: Schema.t | Reference.t | nil,
properties: %{atom => Schema.t | Reference.t} | nil,
additionalProperties: boolean | Schema.t | Reference.t | nil,
description: String.t,
format: String.t | nil,
default: any | nil,
nullable: boolean | nil,
discriminator: Discriminator.t | nil,
readOnly: boolean | nil,
writeOnly: boolean | nil,
xml: Xml.t | nil,
externalDocs: ExternalDocumentation.t | nil,
example: any,
deprecated: boolean | nil,
"x-struct": module | nil
@doc """
Cast a simple value to the elixir type defined by a schema.
By default, object types are cast to maps, however if the "x-struct" attribute is set in the schema,
the result will be constructed as an instance of the given struct type.
## Examples
iex> OpenApiSpex.Schema.cast(%Schema{type: :integer}, "123", %{})
{:ok, 123}
iex> {:ok, dt = %DateTime{}} = OpenApiSpex.Schema.cast(%Schema{type: :string, format: :"date-time"}, "2018-04-02T13:44:55Z", %{})
...> dt |> DateTime.to_iso8601()
@spec cast(Schema.t | Reference.t, any, %{String.t => Schema.t | Reference.t}) :: {:ok, any} | {:error, String.t}
def cast(schema = %Schema{"x-struct": mod}, value, schemas) when not is_nil(mod) do
with {:ok, data} <- cast(%{schema | "x-struct": nil}, value, schemas) do
{:ok, struct(mod, data)}
def cast(%Schema{type: :boolean}, value, _schemas) when is_boolean(value), do: {:ok, value}
def cast(%Schema{type: :boolean}, value, _schemas) when is_binary(value) do
case value do
"true" -> true
"false" -> false
_ -> {:error, "Invalid boolean: #{inspect(value)}"}
def cast(%Schema{type: :integer}, value, _schemas) when is_integer(value), do: {:ok, value}
def cast(%Schema{type: :integer}, value, _schemas) when is_binary(value) do
case Integer.parse(value) do
{i, ""} -> {:ok, i}
_ -> {:error, :bad_integer}
def cast(%Schema{type: :number}, value, _schemas) when is_number(value), do: {:ok, value}
def cast(%Schema{type: :number}, value, _schemas) when is_binary(value) do
case Float.parse(value) do
{x, ""} -> {:ok, x}
_ -> {:error, :bad_float}
def cast(%Schema{type: :string, format: :"date-time"}, value, _schemas) when is_binary(value) do
case DateTime.from_iso8601(value) do
{:ok, datetime = %DateTime{}, _offset} -> {:ok, datetime}
error = {:error, _reason} -> error
def cast(%Schema{type: :string, format: :date}, value, _schemas) when is_binary(value) do
case Date.from_iso8601(value) do
{:ok, date = %Date{}} -> {:ok, date}
error = {:error, _reason} -> error
def cast(%Schema{type: :string}, value, _schemas) when is_binary(value), do: {:ok, value}
def cast(%Schema{type: :array, items: nil}, value, _schemas) when is_list(value), do: {:ok, value}
def cast(%Schema{type: :array}, [], _schemas), do: {:ok, []}
def cast(schema = %Schema{type: :array, items: items_schema}, [x | rest], schemas) do
with {:ok, x_cast} <- cast(items_schema, x, schemas),
{:ok, rest_cast} <- cast(schema, rest, schemas) do
{:ok, [x_cast | rest_cast]}
def cast(schema = %Schema{type: :object}, value, schemas) when is_map(value) do
with {:ok, props} <- cast_properties(schema, Enum.to_list(value), schemas) do
def cast(ref = %Reference{}, val, schemas), do: cast(Reference.resolve_schema(ref, schemas), val, schemas)
def cast(additionalProperties, val, _schemas) when additionalProperties in [true, false, nil], do: val
@spec cast_properties(Schema.t, list, %{String.t => Schema.t}) :: {:ok, list} | {:error, String.t}
defp cast_properties(%Schema{}, [], _schemas), do: {:ok, []}
defp cast_properties(object_schema = %Schema{}, [{key, value} | rest], schemas) do
{name, schema} = Enum.find(,
{key, object_schema.additionalProperties},
fn {name, _schema} -> to_string(name) == to_string(key) end)
with {:ok, new_value} <- cast(schema, value, schemas),
{:ok, cast_tail} <- cast_properties(object_schema, rest, schemas) do
{:ok, [{name, new_value} | cast_tail]}
@doc """
Validate a value against a Schema.
This expects that the value has already been `cast` to the appropriate data type.
## Examples
iex> OpenApiSpex.Schema.validate(%OpenApiSpex.Schema{type: :integer, minimum: 5}, 3, %{})
- {:error, "3 is smaller than minimum 5"}
+ {:error, "#: 3 is smaller than minimum 5"}
iex> OpenApiSpex.Schema.validate(%OpenApiSpex.Schema{type: :string, pattern: "(.*)@(.*)"}, "", %{})
iex> OpenApiSpex.Schema.validate(%OpenApiSpex.Schema{type: :string, pattern: "(.*)@(.*)"}, "", %{})
- {:error, "Value does not match pattern: (.*)@(.*)"}
+ {:error, "#: Value does not match pattern: (.*)@(.*)"}
@spec validate(Schema.t | Reference.t, any, %{String.t => Schema.t | Reference.t}) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
- def validate(ref = %Reference{}, val, schemas), do: validate(Reference.resolve_schema(ref, schemas), val, schemas)
- def validate(schema = %Schema{type: type}, value, _schemas) when type in [:integer, :number] do
- with :ok <- validate_multiple(schema, value),
- :ok <- validate_maximum(schema, value),
- :ok <- validate_minimum(schema, value) do
+ def validate(schema, val, schemas), do: validate(schema, val, "#", schemas)
+ @spec validate(Schema.t | Reference.t, any, String.t, %{String.t => Schema.t | Reference.t}) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
+ def validate(ref = %Reference{}, val, path, schemas), do: validate(Reference.resolve_schema(ref, schemas), val, path, schemas)
+ def validate(schema = %Schema{type: type}, value, path, _schemas) when type in [:integer, :number] do
+ with :ok <- validate_multiple(schema, value, path),
+ :ok <- validate_maximum(schema, value, path),
+ :ok <- validate_minimum(schema, value, path) do
- def validate(schema = %Schema{type: :string}, value, _schemas) do
- with :ok <- validate_max_length(schema, value),
- :ok <- validate_min_length(schema, value),
- :ok <- validate_pattern(schema, value) do
+ def validate(schema = %Schema{type: :string}, value, path, _schemas) do
+ with :ok <- validate_max_length(schema, value, path),
+ :ok <- validate_min_length(schema, value, path),
+ :ok <- validate_pattern(schema, value, path) do
- def validate(%Schema{type: :boolean}, value, _schemas) do
+ def validate(%Schema{type: :boolean}, value, path, _schemas) do
case is_boolean(value) do
true -> :ok
- _ -> {:error, "Invalid boolean: #{inspect(value)}"}
+ _ -> {:error, "#{path}: Invalid boolean: #{inspect(value)}"}
- def validate(schema = %Schema{type: :array}, value, schemas) do
- with :ok <- validate_max_items(schema, value),
- :ok <- validate_min_items(schema, value),
- :ok <- validate_unique_items(schema, value),
- :ok <- validate_array_items(schema, value, schemas) do
+ def validate(schema = %Schema{type: :array}, value, path, schemas) do
+ with :ok <- validate_max_items(schema, value, path),
+ :ok <- validate_min_items(schema, value, path),
+ :ok <- validate_unique_items(schema, value, path),
+ :ok <- validate_array_items(schema, value, {path, 0}, schemas) do
- def validate(schema = %Schema{type: :object, properties: properties}, value, schemas) do
- with :ok <- validate_required_properties(schema, value),
- :ok <- validate_max_properties(schema, value),
- :ok <- validate_min_properties(schema, value),
- :ok <- validate_object_properties(properties, value, schemas) do
+ def validate(schema = %Schema{type: :object, properties: properties}, value, path, schemas) do
+ with :ok <- validate_required_properties(schema, value, path),
+ :ok <- validate_max_properties(schema, value, path),
+ :ok <- validate_min_properties(schema, value, path),
+ :ok <- validate_object_properties(properties, value, path, schemas) do
- @spec validate_multiple(Schema.t, number) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
- defp validate_multiple(%{multipleOf: nil}, _), do: :ok
- defp validate_multiple(%{multipleOf: n}, value) when (round(value / n) * n == value), do: :ok
- defp validate_multiple(%{multipleOf: n}, value), do: {:error, "#{value} is not a multiple of #{n}"}
- @spec validate_maximum(Schema.t, number) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
- defp validate_maximum(%{maximum: nil}, _), do: :ok
- defp validate_maximum(%{maximum: n, exclusiveMaximum: true}, value) when value < n, do: :ok
- defp validate_maximum(%{maximum: n}, value) when value <= n, do: :ok
- defp validate_maximum(%{maximum: n}, value), do: {:error, "#{value} is larger than maximum #{n}"}
- @spec validate_minimum(Schema.t, number) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
- defp validate_minimum(%{minimum: nil}, _), do: :ok
- defp validate_minimum(%{minimum: n, exclusiveMinimum: true}, value) when value > n, do: :ok
- defp validate_minimum(%{minimum: n}, value) when value >= n, do: :ok
- defp validate_minimum(%{minimum: n}, value), do: {:error, "#{value} is smaller than minimum #{n}"}
- @spec validate_max_length(Schema.t, String.t) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
- defp validate_max_length(%{maxLength: nil}, _), do: :ok
- defp validate_max_length(%{maxLength: n}, value) do
+ @spec validate_multiple(Schema.t, number, String.t) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
+ defp validate_multiple(%{multipleOf: nil}, _, _), do: :ok
+ defp validate_multiple(%{multipleOf: n}, value, _) when (round(value / n) * n == value), do: :ok
+ defp validate_multiple(%{multipleOf: n}, value, path), do: {:error, "#{path}: #{value} is not a multiple of #{n}"}
+ @spec validate_maximum(Schema.t, number, String.t) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
+ defp validate_maximum(%{maximum: nil}, _val, _path), do: :ok
+ defp validate_maximum(%{maximum: n, exclusiveMaximum: true}, value, _path) when value < n, do: :ok
+ defp validate_maximum(%{maximum: n}, value, _path) when value <= n, do: :ok
+ defp validate_maximum(%{maximum: n}, value, path), do: {:error, "#{path}: #{value} is larger than maximum #{n}"}
+ @spec validate_minimum(Schema.t, number, String.t) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
+ defp validate_minimum(%{minimum: nil}, _val, _path), do: :ok
+ defp validate_minimum(%{minimum: n, exclusiveMinimum: true}, value, _path) when value > n, do: :ok
+ defp validate_minimum(%{minimum: n}, value, _path) when value >= n, do: :ok
+ defp validate_minimum(%{minimum: n}, value, path), do: {:error, "#{path}: #{value} is smaller than minimum #{n}"}
+ @spec validate_max_length(Schema.t, String.t, String.t) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
+ defp validate_max_length(%{maxLength: nil}, _val, _path), do: :ok
+ defp validate_max_length(%{maxLength: n}, value, path) do
case String.length(value) <= n do
true -> :ok
- _ -> {:error, "String length is larger than maxLength: #{n}"}
+ _ -> {:error, "#{path}: String length is larger than maxLength: #{n}"}
- @spec validate_min_length(Schema.t, String.t) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
- defp validate_min_length(%{minLength: nil}, _), do: :ok
- defp validate_min_length(%{minLength: n}, value) do
+ @spec validate_min_length(Schema.t, String.t, String.t) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
+ defp validate_min_length(%{minLength: nil}, _val, _path), do: :ok
+ defp validate_min_length(%{minLength: n}, value, path) do
case String.length(value) >= n do
true -> :ok
- _ -> {:error, "String length is smaller than minLength: #{n}"}
+ _ -> {:error, "#{path}: String length is smaller than minLength: #{n}"}
- @spec validate_pattern(Schema.t, String.t) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
- defp validate_pattern(%{pattern: nil}, _), do: :ok
- defp validate_pattern(schema = %{pattern: regex}, val) when is_binary(regex) do
+ @spec validate_pattern(Schema.t, String.t, String.t) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
+ defp validate_pattern(%{pattern: nil}, _val, _path), do: :ok
+ defp validate_pattern(schema = %{pattern: regex}, val, path) when is_binary(regex) do
with {:ok, regex} <- Regex.compile(regex) do
- validate_pattern(%{schema | pattern: regex}, val)
+ validate_pattern(%{schema | pattern: regex}, val, path)
- defp validate_pattern(%{pattern: regex = %Regex{}}, val) do
+ defp validate_pattern(%{pattern: regex = %Regex{}}, val, path) do
case Regex.match?(regex, val) do
true -> :ok
- _ -> {:error, "Value does not match pattern: #{regex.source}"}
+ _ -> {:error, "#{path}: Value does not match pattern: #{regex.source}"}
- @spec validate_max_items(Schema.t, list) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
- defp validate_max_items(%Schema{maxItems: nil}, _), do: :ok
- defp validate_max_items(%Schema{maxItems: n}, value) when length(value) <= n, do: :ok
- defp validate_max_items(%Schema{maxItems: n}, value) do
- {:error, "Array length #{length(value)} is larger than maxItems: #{n}"}
+ @spec validate_max_items(Schema.t, list, String.t) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
+ defp validate_max_items(%Schema{maxItems: nil}, _val, _path), do: :ok
+ defp validate_max_items(%Schema{maxItems: n}, value, _path) when length(value) <= n, do: :ok
+ defp validate_max_items(%Schema{maxItems: n}, value, path) do
+ {:error, "#{path}: Array length #{length(value)} is larger than maxItems: #{n}"}
- @spec validate_min_items(Schema.t, list) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
- defp validate_min_items(%Schema{minItems: nil}, _), do: :ok
- defp validate_min_items(%Schema{minItems: n}, value) when length(value) >= n, do: :ok
- defp validate_min_items(%Schema{minItems: n}, value) do
- {:error, "Array length #{length(value)} is smaller than minItems: #{n}"}
+ @spec validate_min_items(Schema.t, list, String.t) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
+ defp validate_min_items(%Schema{minItems: nil}, _val, _path), do: :ok
+ defp validate_min_items(%Schema{minItems: n}, value, _path) when length(value) >= n, do: :ok
+ defp validate_min_items(%Schema{minItems: n}, value, path) do
+ {:error, "#{path}: Array length #{length(value)} is smaller than minItems: #{n}"}
- @spec validate_unique_items(Schema.t, list) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
- defp validate_unique_items(%Schema{uniqueItems: true}, value) do
+ @spec validate_unique_items(Schema.t, list, String.t) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
+ defp validate_unique_items(%Schema{uniqueItems: true}, value, path) do
unique_size =
|> MapSet.size()
case unique_size == length(value) do
true -> :ok
- _ -> {:error, "Array items must be unique"}
+ _ -> {:error, "#{path}: Array items must be unique"}
- defp validate_unique_items(_, _), do: :ok
- @spec validate_array_items(Schema.t, list, %{String.t => Schema.t}) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
- defp validate_array_items(%Schema{type: :array, items: nil}, value, _schemas) when is_list(value), do: :ok
- defp validate_array_items(%Schema{type: :array}, [], _schemas), do: :ok
- defp validate_array_items(schema = %Schema{type: :array, items: item_schema}, [x | rest], schemas) do
- with :ok <- validate(item_schema, x, schemas) do
- validate(schema, rest, schemas)
+ defp validate_unique_items(_schema, _value, _path), do: :ok
+ @spec validate_array_items(Schema.t, list, {String.t, integer}, %{String.t => Schema.t}) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
+ defp validate_array_items(%Schema{type: :array, items: nil}, value, _path, _schemas) when is_list(value), do: :ok
+ defp validate_array_items(%Schema{type: :array}, [], _path, _schemas), do: :ok
+ defp validate_array_items(schema = %Schema{type: :array, items: item_schema}, [x | rest], {path, index}, schemas) do
+ with :ok <- validate(item_schema, x, "#{path}/#{index}", schemas) do
+ validate_array_items(schema, rest, {path, index + 1}, schemas)
- @spec validate_required_properties(Schema.t, %{}) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
- defp validate_required_properties(%Schema{type: :object, required: nil}, _), do: :ok
- defp validate_required_properties(%Schema{type: :object, required: required}, value) do
+ @spec validate_required_properties(Schema.t, %{}, String.t) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
+ defp validate_required_properties(%Schema{type: :object, required: nil}, _val, _path), do: :ok
+ defp validate_required_properties(%Schema{type: :object, required: required}, value, path) do
missing = required -- Map.keys(value)
case missing do
[] -> :ok
- _ -> {:error, "Missing required properties: #{inspect(missing)}"}
+ _ -> {:error, "#{path}: Missing required properties: #{inspect(missing)}"}
- @spec validate_max_properties(Schema.t, %{}) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
- defp validate_max_properties(%Schema{type: :object, maxProperties: nil}, _), do: :ok
- defp validate_max_properties(%Schema{type: :object, maxProperties: n}, val) when map_size(val) <= n, do: :ok
- defp validate_max_properties(%Schema{type: :object, maxProperties: n}, val) do
- {:error, "Object property count #{map_size(val)} is greater than maxProperties: #{n}"}
+ @spec validate_max_properties(Schema.t, %{}, String.t) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
+ defp validate_max_properties(%Schema{type: :object, maxProperties: nil}, _val, _path), do: :ok
+ defp validate_max_properties(%Schema{type: :object, maxProperties: n}, val, _path) when map_size(val) <= n, do: :ok
+ defp validate_max_properties(%Schema{type: :object, maxProperties: n}, val, path) do
+ {:error, "#{path}: Object property count #{map_size(val)} is greater than maxProperties: #{n}"}
- @spec validate_min_properties(Schema.t, %{}) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
- defp validate_min_properties(%Schema{type: :object, minProperties: nil}, _), do: :ok
- defp validate_min_properties(%Schema{type: :object, minProperties: n}, val) when map_size(val) >= n, do: :ok
- defp validate_min_properties(%Schema{type: :object, minProperties: n}, val) do
- {:error, "Object property count #{map_size(val)} is less than minProperties: #{n}"}
+ @spec validate_min_properties(Schema.t, %{}, String.t) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
+ defp validate_min_properties(%Schema{type: :object, minProperties: nil}, _val, _path), do: :ok
+ defp validate_min_properties(%Schema{type: :object, minProperties: n}, val, _path) when map_size(val) >= n, do: :ok
+ defp validate_min_properties(%Schema{type: :object, minProperties: n}, val, path) do
+ {:error, "#{path}: Object property count #{map_size(val)} is less than minProperties: #{n}"}
- @spec validate_object_properties(Enumerable.t, %{}, %{String.t => Schema.t | Reference.t}) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
- defp validate_object_properties(properties = %{}, value = %{}, schemas = %{}) do
+ @spec validate_object_properties(Enumerable.t, %{}, String.t, %{String.t => Schema.t | Reference.t}) :: :ok | {:error, String.t}
+ defp validate_object_properties(properties = %{}, value = %{}, path, schemas = %{}) do
|> Enum.filter(fn {name, _schema} -> Map.has_key?(value, name) end)
- |> validate_object_properties(value, schemas)
+ |> validate_object_properties(value, path, schemas)
- defp validate_object_properties([], _, _), do: :ok
- defp validate_object_properties([{name, schema} | rest], value, schemas = %{}) do
- case validate(schema, Map.get(value, name), schemas) do
- :ok -> validate_object_properties(rest, value, schemas)
+ defp validate_object_properties([], _val, _path, _schemas), do: :ok
+ defp validate_object_properties([{name, schema} | rest], value, path, schemas = %{}) do
+ case validate(schema, Map.get(value, name), "#{path}/#{name}", schemas) do
+ :ok -> validate_object_properties(rest, value, path, schemas)
error -> error
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diff --git a/test/open_api_spex_test.exs b/test/open_api_spex_test.exs
index f023368..766e0bd 100644
--- a/test/open_api_spex_test.exs
+++ b/test/open_api_spex_test.exs
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
defmodule OpenApiSpexTest do
use ExUnit.Case
alias OpenApiSpexTest.ApiSpec
describe "OpenApi" do
test "compete" do
spec = ApiSpec.spec()
assert spec
test "Valid Request" do
request_body = %{
"user" => %{
"id" => 123,
"name" => "asdf",
"email" => "",
"updated_at" => "2017-09-12T14:44:55Z"
conn =
|> Plug.Test.conn("/api/users", Poison.encode!(request_body))
|> Plug.Conn.put_req_header("content-type", "application/json")
assert conn.params == %OpenApiSpexTest.Schemas.UserRequest{
user: %OpenApiSpexTest.Schemas.User{
id: 123,
name: "asdf",
email: "",
updated_at: ~N[2017-09-12T14:44:55Z] |> DateTime.from_naive!("Etc/UTC")
assert Poison.decode!(conn.resp_body) == %{
"data" => %{
"email" => "",
"id" => 1234,
"inserted_at" => nil,
"name" => "asdf",
"updated_at" => "2017-09-12T14:44:55Z"
test "Invalid Request" do
request_body = %{
"user" => %{
"id" => 123,
"name" => "*1234",
"email" => "",
"updated_at" => "2017-09-12T14:44:55Z"
conn =
|> Plug.Test.conn("/api/users", Poison.encode!(request_body))
|> Plug.Conn.put_req_header("content-type", "application/json")
conn =, [])
assert conn.status == 422
- assert conn.resp_body == "Value does not match pattern: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+"
+ assert conn.resp_body == "#/user/name: Value does not match pattern: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+"
\ No newline at end of file

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Sun, Nov 24, 6:58 AM (20 h, 57 m)
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